He wasn't sure what made the young man felt so nervous. Was it the fact that he just met her? Hmm, it looked like the girl was being referred to. What was it, about their long hair? She does have a beautiful set of hair, doesn't she? Mmm. Maybe the guy's just nervous talking to her. [i]"I think I should leave them be~"[/i] Thought Hikaru before he spoke to the man. "Oh I'm sorry. Were you in a middle of a conversation? How rude of me. I'll just leave now then. My deepest apologies!" Hikaru bowed his head as much as he could to show his deepest regrets about it. "Please excuse me! I'm sorry." Hikaru scurried away as quick as he could, before fixing the skirt he wore after he was away from the man. Hikaru made his way around the group of people again, walking with as much care as possible as to not bumping into someone all of a sudden. Yet, the commotion became worse as the Tour Guide begins to continue. "ALRIGHT NEW STUDENTS! Meet your Homeroom Teacher, [url=http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/198/0/2/a_girl_in_glasses__render_by_mpakyc-d57k91d.png]Miss Iosis Yuhara![/url]" There was a sudden gasp from the male students of the group, but Hikaru who couldn't see what was happening did not react in any way. The students began to talk to one another and it became quite loud. As Hikaru went to cautiously walk around them, a student accidentally rushed and hit Hikaru on the side, sending him off balance towards another girl who was standing on another side (Melody). Hikaru, after hitting her fell flat on his backside to the floor.