'Screaming... Blood....Smoke....Fire..Big....Big...what is that....' Dien twisted in his bed has the dreams floated in his mind. All he can see was fire and a wall. The wall had blood dripping from the ceiling, crawling down the walls. Screams could be heard has his vision was getting darker and darker. What was making his vision become darker was a huge shadow that was getting bigger and bigger. The screams getting louder and louder has it got bigger. Then he caught small amounts of words from the screams. "Not my son!!" Dien woke up with a shock has sweat crawled down his body."That dream again..." His eyes where full of tears which puzzled Dien. He wiped his tears and got out of his bed to get ready. He put on his school clothes and freshened him self and making his meal for the morning. He finally exited his home to get to his school but little did he know that his day would be full of talk about dragons.