[center][i]I'm leaving this house! He has answers, you guys don't! You're just happy to sit on your ass all day and be spoon fed the same bullshit for the rest of your life! Don't you re-' 'Sis, can you please calm down? Can we just talk it out like civilized adults?' 'That's what this is? Civilization? No, this is anesthesia. I'm done talking, I'm going to find him and find out the real answers Cole. You can come too...' 'Silvia, you know I can't do that. I can't just run away from the real world while you're going through some sort of early midlife crisis.' 'Oh yes, I forgot Cole. You're all too eager to follow your princess Asgard into merry battle and get a chance to kill some rioters.' 'At least I'm not trying to run away from reality! Get over yourself Silvia! The Ultimatum is all I have, it's all you have, it's all that there has or probably ever will be! I'm sorry it doesn't fit your perfect picture of what life is supposed to be li-' 'Oh, I'm running away? I'M RUNNING AWAY? Who looked after mother when she sick and you were too busy studying for your exams! Who baked you a cake every birthday when you were depressed since your friends couldn't make it to your party? Who dug through the trashcan when you accidentally threw your book away and you were crying in the middle of the lunchroom? Who's really running away Cole? You or me? God, you make me sick. I'm leaving Cole, and there's nothing you can do to stop me.'[/i][/center] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ "I don't know sis... I don't know." "Hey Cole, you asleep?" An unfamiliar voice woke up Cole Carton as the sound of wagon wheels simultaneously flooded his ears. Ah, yes, he remembered now. He was on his way to the Capital. He didn't quite remember why but it felt right anyways. He normally didn't remember why he did things until afterwards, or sometimes not at all. Which posed a question to Cole, how did he remember he did things if he forgot? "Yeah, I'm awake. We nearly there?" Cole looked up at the figure posing the question. A gruff middle aged merchant had been hauling fresh vegetables to the capital until he had seen Cole walking along the road. Cole got in, they both exchanged false stories as to why they were traveling that particular stretch of road, and had been traveling for nearly a day since then. "Hmph. You were talking in your sleep," the merchant replied dismissively though his eyes darted away from Cole's gaze as if what he heard disturbed him. "Do you remember anything that I said," Cole inquired as he reached inside of his pocket. [b]Click[/b] "Nothing particularly interesting.... Uhh.. I think there was this girl named Silver?" It was an obvious lie and the sweat forming on the merchant's brow betrayed him. "Ah, yes. She was my ex girlfriend. Bad breakup as I'm sure you can understand. Anyways, I better get off right here. I can see my stop coming up ahead. Thanks for the ride though." Cole said as leaned halfway out of the carriage. "Sure thing bub... sure thing. Just to be curious though, did you put on some cologne while I wasn't looking? It smells like a beach in here." "Nah, not me. It would be a nice idea to visit the beach though. See you later!" Cole yelled as he leaped off the carriage and slipped into the crowd of people meandering towards the capital. As soon as the carriage began to reach a sizable distance from him, Cole reached for his pocket again. [b]Click[/b] An explosion ripped through the market square as a vegetable merchant's cart erupted in flames and Cole joined the squalor of people fleeing towards safety in the direction of the capital. "Now it's time to find out why I decided to head over here."