Nikolai stood watching a few more people arrive, he watched one kid with white hair start lifting pebbles without touching them, he knew what was going on. When he figured out that he wasnt the only one he attempted to speak again and this time managed an almost inaudible rasp. He smiled and knew the drugs they had him on were wearing out. He tried again and managed a small cough, he tried to laugh but it came out as a series of coughs but he knew he was close to speaking. He smiled and cleared his throat and lightly spoke, he heard himself fine and laughed out loud. He prepared to introduce himself, he looked around and tried to figure out a way to do it. He looked at some of the cars and smiled, he figured at least one of them was going to enjoy the theatrics. He mentally tuned his voice so that it would overshadow anyone else. Within 15 feet of the larger group that had gathered he spoke. "I AM NIKOLAI LUZCHEZKE!" Nikolai said calmly but his voice echoed at a much higher volume than his mouth indicated, "TO THE LADIES HERE, YOU'RE WELCOME TO CALL ME ANYTIME. NOW..." Nikolai finished speaking and made a his right hand into a gun and aimed at a car window, he moved his thumbs down and whistled with his mouth aimed down his arm. He shot a burst of sonoenergy down his arm and shattered the window then aimed, shot a different window, then repeated, he continued till the car was bare of glass including the headlights. He moved his hand in a motion as though he was holstering it, he smirked and winked at the girl with headphones on. He walked closer to the group and ran his hand through his mohawk, he bowed when he got five feet from the group.