Rosy looked talking Ray got a strange feeling looking at the guy breaking and will.Dow with his voice was even scarier she started to back up rapidly. She backed right into one of the trees with writing on the tablet under it and found herself staring at it blinking really fast collapsing on the tree. Or well leaning against it as she knew what would happen next as it has happened before. The Tablet had said it was dedicated to the old owner of the land. Who had died 5/13/1978 Rosy eyes closed but she looked like it she started to struggle against what was happening then went still. She was now going back in time as the people flew by disappearing in cars the gate opening and closing to cars going backwards cars speeding backwards by. Till it speed up so fast she could barely make out what was happening the. It stopped at a time period she couldn't recall what the tablet said the date was but she was floating or more or less sitting above the man she was following. ' oh how she hated this why did she take out her earphones. ' Looking around her surroundings again she saw the man walking from the grand place and picking up the mornings paper and was taken inside. Of course the man put the paper on a old-fashioned dinning room table In what she could propose to be the dinning room. A woman in a long dress came out bringing coffee to the man It went on like this for a while each day passing in a matter of seconds but her mind taking in each detail. She tried to think about other things but how the days where always the same until what she could say his cousins came over and there where kids but the man went to the study or miniature library. Looking at one of the dates on the book it wasn't that old maybe a few decades before her time but she had seen it before. Thinking about it she remembered that days paper the year was 1978 yes that was the year but wait she was at the school in 2014 right well that was her ability to go to the past, well if only she could figure out how to wake up again.