Even at the sound of Denmark, Portugal, and England speaking up against them, the two world powers continued to stare at each other. Russia’s eyes were narrowed as they met America’s, neither of them backing down. Even though Denmark’s mention of the war he had started made him uncomfortable, he had to admit, she was simply making a point. Germany sighed again, his eyes drifting to the countries that were trying to calm them down. Maybe he shouldn’t have gotten up and confronted the both of them. That only added fuel to the fire, right..? The Germanic nation sat down, his fingers gripping the edge of the table as he tried to keep his cool. What was the point of meetings when everyone was going to be pointing fingers at each other? Maybe he should stop coming to meetings, then. There was no point in watching the world tear itself apart. The United States of America, however, finally decided to heed the nations’ pleads for peace. With a huff, he crossed his arms and sat down, glowering at the floor much like a spoiled brat. Britain still thought he was a child… well, he could handle himself, thank you very much! He watched Russia for a while more before the even larger nation sat on his rear end. [i]This meeting has to end soon, unless they want me to feed him his braid.[/i] [b]”I knew what I was doing, Britain.”[/b] he hissed over to the Englishwoman, his brows knitting together in anger. [b]”You shouldn’t have gotten in my way.”[/b] He wasn’t one to snap at Britain, but he truly was irritated at the moment. And when America was angry, no one messed with him. But what could they do? [i]I guess that they calmed me down for the best. Who knows what would have happened if I had lost my head?[/i] [b]”So… does anyone else have something to say?”[/b] Germany spoke up again, his blue gaze flitting over the nations at the table.