Tyrell felt a shiver run down his spine. It was more than the abnormal chill in the air; his sense of self-preservation had just raised the alarm. Something bad had entered town. That meant it was time for Tyrell to exit town. "Time to go," he stated, turning back to his companion. Surely even a country bumpkin could tell there was trouble in the air. Joscelin had indeed felt the same chill that Tyrell just had, and turned to look at her traveling companion as he stated rather than suggested that they should depart. But whereas this chill had raised alarm in her friend, Joscelin could feel an almost uncontrollable excitement beginning to well up in her. "Go?!" She responded incredulously, looking down at Tyrell for a moment before glancing down the way in the direction of a commotion that she could hear coming from the square. "Maybe if you mean 'go help!' It wouldn't be fitting for a hero to run at the first sign of trouble!" She said, grinning down at her friend as she almost had to struggle not to run off toward that ill presence right then and there. "I might not be a hero yet, but I'll never be one if I don't act like it!" Tyrell almost wanted to cry. "Yeah, yeah, but there's the sayin': the better part o' discretion is valor. No, wait-!" Joscelin laughed a bit at that, placing one hand on Principale's hilt and squeezing to try and vent a bit of her excitement long enough to talk Tyrell into coming. "That sounds like a saying I can get behind!" She commented, turning to look at Tyrell again, practically bouncing up and down at this point. "C'mon c'mon! I promise I'll never ask for anything from you again if we just go help!" Tyrell hung his head in defeat. She wouldn't even remember those words thirty minutes from now. "Fine. Let's go." As soon as Joscelin bolted, Tyrell followed her for a block. Once they reached the crowd fleeing from danger, though, Tyrell let himself get swept away in the confusion. He worked his way to an alley at the side and disappeared into it. "Discretion is the better part of valor. Discretion is the better part of valor," he muttered to himself. The last thing he needed was to mess up his own counterarguments. Having been completely oblivious of Tyrell's disappearance, Joscelin continued rushing off in the opposite direction of the crowd she was busily elbowing her way through - while also apologizing to everyone she bumped into, of course. Whatever this was, it had to be something genuinely exciting to be getting all these people terrified like this. The anticipation was killing her! As soon as she burst through the last line of people fleeing in terror, she spotted the man that was the obvious source of the commotion: a sinister looking man holding a sword to a woman's throat, while another bloody corpse lay at his feet. A true blue villainous scoundrel if she'd ever seen one! From the looks of it, at least two others had gotten roughly the same idea as her, a man and a woman both confronting the villain as well. "Unhand her this instant, or face the consequences!" She called out to the man as she ran up to stand by the man's side, having arrived closer to him. She half-unsheathed Principale but not didn't do so entirely, in case he actually obeyed. Not that he looked particularly like the type to obey. She was still wearing a small grin despite the situation, as the three of them waited for the man to make a move. Somehow, she still hadn't noticed that it was supposed to be the [i]four[/i] of them, too worked up to notice Tyrell's absence.