((Heh, Devon has black hair, HellHound. ^^)) Devon raised an eyebrow as he watched Arson began taking out gloves. It must have been something pretty dangerous...fire-related, perhaps? Or maybe poison related? That wouldn't really make sense, however, if they were in a place made for psychics. At least, that's what he assumed, considering that small chick looked like she just passed out on the tree. The boy crossed his arms, waiting for his new acquaintance to show him his powers, but was put off when he watched the weird white-haired guy from before...meditate? "This is getting more weird by the minute..." He leaned against a car, which was right beside him. Both he and Arson were by themselves - a bit aways from that 'main group' of females, and a few males, which was just how he liked it. While Devon was pretty social and laidback, he disliked large groups, as it tended to make him feel claustrophobic and uncomfortable. The boy's eyes, which were half-lidded and bored under his shades, turned towards the meditating guy with the weird white hair and glowing red eyes, watching the boring, yet oddly mystifying show, along with Arson. "I AM NIKOLAI LUZCHEZKE!" "TO THE LADIES HERE, YOU'RE WELCOME TO CALL ME ANYTIME. NOW..." "Are you kidding me? Shut the fu-" Devon began in an annoyed voice, glancing over as an obnoxious, tan boy with a freaky Mohawk began doing some weird things with his hands...before shooting the god damn cars, completely cutting the boy off. He continued in a line with his rather blatant display of criminal-like vandalism on actual pricy cars, with Devon simply leaning against one with his eyes glaring...until the dude's weird sound bullet busted the window right beside him. Amongst the explosion of glass shards, Devon took off his glasses, his mouth now twitching, and his irises glowing an extremely bright purple. "..." The glass shards rose into the air, every single one suddenly crunching together into one large, sharp, and extremely jagged triangular piece of glass. Devon pointed it at the guy who had approached the other group, bowing like some entertainer. "Totally going to die." It's obvious that his powers were influenced by his emotions, and, being a lonely boy at heart, Devon obviously had extremely bad control over his emotions. The over-sized glass shard began flying, like a bullet, towards the back of the boy with the Mohawk...but Devon growled, throwing his hand into the sky. The shard of glass redirected it's flight, blasting into the air at a blurring speed. "Not worth it, actually..." Devon slipped back on his glasses, the purple glow that had started to surround his hands and body fading away. With another sigh, he regained his laidback posture, leaning on the car and turning to Arson, as if he hadn't just meant to kill another person. "So, I'm guessing fire, judging by your name and the gloves." He tried not to glance over at the other group who was quite a ways away, since he'd probably get annoyed again and he really needed more control over his powers.