Seijuro's movements were fluid like water, and just as Heihachi's first surge of water spewed forth Seijuro darted to the right side of the water, as a mindful Sage Heihachi would feel the flow of his Ryoukei-Ryu guiding Seijuro's movements around his water technique, as if two streams of water were running side by side. Seijuro's dual threat of raw speed from his Shinsoku combined with the fluidity of his Ryoukei-Ryu decreased the distance hastily as he dragged his right blade through the water, splitting its flow around his body. As he ripped through the high-pressure water technique his face was painted with sheer determination and concentrated willpower. As one of the deadliest swordsman of his generation he only became so due to the intensity of his character and the passionate nature he holds for the way in which he lives his life. And it is this passionate determination which he brings about him to each and every encounter with another individual, and gauges their passion for their cause and the determination they carry to reach the goals in which they set for themselves. In short, Seijuro wanted to know if this old man's still fuckin' got it, or if the legends speak of a man whose flame has already been blown out. In his left hand, his Ozorou was resealed into his wrist only to have one of his Akumu no Tachi replace it. His speed allowed him to close the distance before the full amount of water was expunged from Heihachi's Bakusui Shoha, greeting the Sage with a swift strike toward his torso from Seijuro's right with his shortsword, dragging the water with it to splash him in the face to create a diversion which would allow for him to come upward from the left with his longsword, aiming across Heihachi's body swiftly after the diversion with his shortsword. Neither of the attacks were made with [i]true[/i] murderous intent, though his will backed each of his strikes. They were precise and thorough, and at the speed and power in which they were thrust, if Heihachi didnt react accordingly to both of them he'd be lucky if that old bag of bones of his made it to the hospital without bleeding out. His body would then duck down, arms crossed with either sword on the opposite side of his body, he would kick forward with his Shinsoku, darting around Heihachi in concurrence with his short-longsword combo, appearing behind him. However, even if Heihachi were to look behind him he would not find Seijuro visually, activating his Meisagakure no Jutsu to conceal his presence. The snake eyed his prey from the shadow of his jutsu, analyzing his quick reaction skills and split-second decision making that the old man utilized upon realizing the ambush. It was quite admirable that he was able to perform a defensive technique in such a short window. Seijuro did however take note that the old man underestimated Seijuro's Shinsoku, the ebb and flow combined with the raw speed made him skilled at disrupting Jutsu before they can be cast by assaulting the enemy before they can even finish hand seals, a tactic employed by samurai from the Land of Iron that Seijuro had taught himself.