Torie rubbed the side of his helmet with his index finger when Blaze passed on responsibility of 'dealing with' Iggy....How could someone be that bad with transportation? Sighing and giving a light shrug as Blaze cleared her way to get on top of the train, lazily handing the ticket collector his pass. Taking a look at Iggy, the word "sickly" rang in his head before he took action that might save his shoes from a volatile assault. Tracing the shape of a box in the air, panels began to form in the air, and others extended from them until they formed a perfect cube, with only one panel missing on the top. Handing the box to Iggy, he said: [b]"Well, get sick, just use this. Actually..."[/b] Before Iggy would even have a chance to grab the box, he layered each panel with another, and then another, causing the normally near transparent panels to become murky, not allowing whatever would be inside the box to be seen. [b]"There, now you can use it."[/b] Torie said as he held the box out once more, scratching the back of his neck with his free hand.