The days went faster for her till it stopped at the one day she had figured out how to wake up. The man was aid to have a stroke so now just to wait. Something was going on out side butt of course she see there. The man was sitting him his study now his wife never disturbs him there till dinner so this would be a short wait. Getting up the man suddenly fainted and laid on the floor even Rosy would hear the thud. Looked more like a heart attack but they where the medical people. She would think his wife heard it but no she didn't and didn't find the body till like another hour in which the vision ended sending Rosy back to the present time. Blinking suddenly the items around her where blurry and in shapes but she brushed the hair from her face. " umm... i... my ability" her mind was to clogged with facts she would have to blurt but right now wasn't the time. " uhh thanks " she said to Ray the mark on her check dismissing it self from being there. ' anything happening in the present can't be felt or heard of by the trance user or another trance will assure she though and sat there blinking Hoping it would come back into view. She didn't mind that at least someone tried to help but triggers where everywhere and she couldn't have her music blasting all the time. " sorry I'm just " blinking she actually saw Ray next to her and looked at him blue eyes twitching back and forth. " sorry just triggers... and stuff. " she pushed against the tree to get up, the flower still in her hair as always. Dusting the dirt off her black skorts and her button up black and blue mid sleeve shirt. " ..."[I]the corner was wrong he had died of a heart attack.[/i] Her mind was raising. Looking around til everything was back in view, then signed and took out the music player looking around she stuffed it back in her pocket and stood there waiting,thinking about what she could do and what the others could she was a measly speck of those guys barily helping anyone except history people and sewing for wrongfully deaths but hay she couldn't shoot something or turn pebbles into weapons all she could do was.see past triggers and wait for them to end with out filling up on facts. The blue flower seemed to glow but who could tell it was a flower a fake flower to say the least.