[i]"I AM NIKOLAI LUZCHEZKE! TO THE LADIES HERE, YOU'RE WELCOME TO CALL ME ANYTIME. NOW..."[/i] [i]A bit of a show off aye?[/i] [i]"Are you kidding me? Shut the fu-"[/i] As the show went on Arson simply leaned against the car beside Devon chuckling at both their utterances and attempted to contemplate how many windows will be shattered today... Poor glass makers probably be shedding tears as clear as their creation's shattered forms. An interesting ability, but he was not performing, he was showing off and Arson chose to show him no real attention as he rubbed his fingers along the back of Smokey's head. After both Devon and the man-whose-name-he-would-never-forget-seeing-as-how-it-was-forced-into-his-memories displayed their abilities it became a bit of a competition of sorts. After Nikolai exhibited his ability, Devon was pissed. A reasonable feeling considering the amount of damage caused for the sake of impressing others, ladies mores specifically probably, so when he manifested a glass shard quite capable of harming someone Arson didn't try to stop him. He wasn't going to be the one who limits other's actions because of some moral code or philosophy. He would like to see whether or not Devon would do it. [i]"Not worth it, actually..."[/i] Something told him he wouldn't, Devon didn't seem to be the killer type. [i]"So, I'm guessing fire, judging by your name and the gloves."[/i] Arson simply tugged on his glove to help his hands in before saying, "No, I'm a urologist that has to stick my hand up your ass to check for any lumps that shouldn't be there...or something." Arson's form of sarcasm was somewhat strange, if it wasn't such an absurd claim, him being a doctor, it could have been taken seriously. He didn't change his tone of voice as if he was alright with the absurdity and criticism that may come with making such statements and not changing his tone. It should be noted he continued to pet Smokey with his gloves still on. Afterward, the girl with the accent Arson couldn't place seemed to be starting her performance. She said something to Nikolai in some language Arson didn't speak. She was either cursing at him in a language he didn't understand or she was actually telling him something. While the first would rather amusing it was probably the second. Anyway, she seemed to be examining Beth before appearing to become a second Beth. Arson wondered why she didn't chose to impersonate someone of great importance... like maybe Smokey.... and take their place but perhaps he could ask her himself. Or Arson already knows the answer, he is a selfish prick and she probably isn't... Back to what was happening, she appeared to change forms rather effortlessly... It was quite entertaining and Arson simply clapped slowly in his own little world apart from their's. The jazz hands made it somewhat more enjoyable and Arson was smiling. After the performance, Arson quit petting Smokey and darted behind Devon before slowly placing his hands partially over his shades without actually touching his face. "Odd prediction... or request: When you die, I call your eyes, 'kay?"