Erais eyes widened when Nagato kissed her palm, and she smiled a bit. She had to roll her eyes, however, at the thought of being revered as a goddess. "Right. That happened. Just... call me Miss Erai. The thought of those foolish humans calling me a goddess is enough to bring the most oath-bound monk to laughter." She said this to him not without a look of slight impatience. Most demons would love being considered a god, and Erai might have reveled in it too were she not made out to be a benevolent one. Why not be found to be the horrifying cur of the night that seduced men and women nationwide? Why a Goddess that protected others from drowning?! It was a bloody mistake, one she deeply regrets. Yet she always found herself in those messes. It was like when she and that Slit-mouth woman were at each others throats, Erai saved the children simply to spite the hateful spirit. And then the families wanted to thank her, wanted to give her gifts.... It was simply too weird. Did they not look onto the sacred paint on her face? Did they not sense the foreboding nature of her kind? Either way, the thought of humans being [i]thankful[/i] to her was something out of place that it had never sat well with her. [b]"Ah! Yes, well, that would be your new leader from now on. Kinda like me. Buuuut, less attractive as a whole." [/b] "Indeed," She responded as they walked over. "[i]FAR[/i] less attractive as a whole." In fact the creature in front of her gave off such a stench that she could not stop her face from wrinkling in disgust. "Funny," She said once the Tsubasa had finished. "Ordinarily I adore devouring birds but you? Ha! You smell rotted."