Rose looked at the man speaking he looked kinda like the man in the vision but it could a relitive. Beth being a telepathic didn't really frighten her as most of her thoughts where on what stuff could mean and why the corner pronounced the man dead for ma stoke when it was clearly a heart attack. Stiffening when he started to go and pick people she stood back a bit and moved some hair in her face. Well this be fun ' She though before focusing on what she had seen. If the man was pronounced dead by something more lethal, what if he still alive, what if... " that's where she ended her thoughts remembering someone could read them and straightened her dress trying but failing to hold back the information so she decided to blurt it out at a really fast pace so no one could understand and she would feel better. " the man at on the sign died of a heart attack not a stroke. " She said fast mumbling under her breath. A sign of relief came over her and she stood waiting as the man called on Ray. Something to due with mazes or making mazes or what was on the paper. Uhh birth certificate or was it something to dude with religion. Thoughts where buzzing but mostly the religion part if her was some weird religion she was none as the church though she was a demon sent to bring back past sins.