As Ray glanced trough the group, he looked back at Rose. He still leaned against the tree, and just as he wanted to speak to her, Ray noticed a man coming down from the campus. So this would be our principle?... As he started to speak about some of the girls powers, somehow she was a telepath... Wich just ment that Ray had to keep his mind focused always on one thing! For he didn't wanted to tell them any secrets, nor did he wanted to tell them who he was and what he did in his life. As the principle looked towards Ray and asked him who he was and what his powers were, Ray just smiled. As the principle of this school, he would already know about Ray's powers, and his past life... And even his name. [b]"You already know this information, and i'll keep it at that"[/b] Ray glanced at the man, as Ray smiled at him, but still... Ray was emotionless, no emotion would be seen on his face, nor in his voice. Ray kept staring at the man, keeping himself in control at the same time for not taking the mans life. For he hated if one looked into his personal life, he hated it if one looked into his past and knew everything about him! As Ray cleared his mind again, with just a small blink of his eyes, he looked at the man again. [b]"The others will eventually learn who i am and will also learn what my powers are. As for you... Don't ever try to look into my private life again..."[/b] As he glanced back at Rose, he smiled [b]"Next time, warn me if you enter these kind of trances, i'll plug in your earphones again"[/b]