It's been a bit of a busy week regarding work offline...I don't mind changing my character considering I only had a very loose concept in mind, even so, I'm still having a difficult time maintaining interest. If I cannot come up with a better concept, I will have to bow out, not due to personal matters because I know some of you and you're good writers, but because my muse is too scattered and promising something I cannot believe in 100% doesn't seem right. I sadly had to do the same to Prince's YYH themed RP recently, so evidently my interest needs to be solid before I sign onto a group RP under someone else's guise. The last thing I want to do is inconvenience a GM or those also involved. I know it can be a pain keeping players on the same page when recruiting. I'll be looking for images and checking out the sheets others have provided to see if I can figure something out today but I can't promise anything and I don't want to jerk people around or stall a RP due to my hesitance.