Gareth approached the palace through the hustle and bustle of a busying crowd excited about the coronation, himself filled with mixed feelings about the stability of the current leadership. As with any coronation, all were invited, and it took him some time to work his way through the mass of people entering the massive gates. He checked in and made known his attendance to the clerks by virtue of decorum, and upon entry he cognized his lack of familiarity with any of the other guests. None of his acquaintances arrived yet, and he surmised this was probably due to his being early, therefore he had to make do and attempt to enjoy himself alone, a situation that daunted him in some ways. Gareth made his way to the throne room, noting the throne where King Bard II would sit if he were around, then he stood aside as a wallflower in the room, him giving the impression that he was waiting for someone. The young man, a stranger to coronations, felt out of place among nobles and commoners alike without anyone he knew and any clue of what to do, therefore he intuited that he'd be well off lounging until someone made conversation with him. After all, he didn't have much business in openly socializing with people since he was hardly a noble and decidedly not well-known, and it'd be much better for his status if Gareth simply loitered until someone addressed him.