[b]Name:[/b] Vanu Ashton [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Magic:[/b] [hider=Seith Magic: Human Possession]She has the ability to see human souls. She can also seal wandering human soul inside objects and manipulate them as she wishes. These objects are capable of freely floating and maneuvering in the air and they can threaten and confuse foes by flying around them, as well as physically assault them by throwing themselves against targets using the momentum gained from their flight, being capable of triggering melee barrages of attacks from every direction. The souls aren't permanently bound to the object and she can change which objects they possess at will. Whenever she isn't using a soul she keeps it sealed in one of her sealing tags of her coat. Her coat has a total of 12 tags, but at the moment she cannot control more than 5 souls. [u]Animation:[/u] If she puts 2 souls into for instance a suit of armor they are able to animate the armor besides what they can already do. [u]Flight:[/u] She can mount a possessed object to let it carry her and give her some minor flight capability. [u]Soul Eyes:[/u] In order to see human souls the magic permanently grants her eye magic. Both her eyes are able to see wandering human souls. [u]Possession Eye:[/u] Her right eye has the ability to implant a soul into a living being that is having eye contact with this eye. Doing so costs a lot more magic than when using a non-living object. This magic has to be consciously activated and when it does the eye's sclera turns black for the duration of the possession. The amount of control the implanted soul has on the body depends on both soul's strength. The weaker the body's soul, the more control the implanted soul has and vice versa. Her biggest problem is that she doesn't have full control over this eye and it can activate without her consent if someone looks into the eye. She hates this power and keeps the eye covered at all times and doesn't want anyone to find out that she can do this. For that reason she calls this her taboo eye. [/hider][b]Magic Level:[/b] B [b]History:[/b] Vanu was born to the east of Fiore in a religious town with a lot of shrines. Her mother died during birth and her father died not long after because of an illness. She was then raised in one of the shrines as a shrine maiden as was the custom for orphans. When she was young she started to see wandering souls. After some time she started to notice she was able to control some of the spirits and put them in objects. About 2 years ago though an accident happened and her right eye activated. Seeing that she could control other people with her power the townspeople saw her power as evil. Because of this she had to leave the town and fled to Fiore where she heard they were more used to people with magic. Eventually she arrived at the Phoenix Wing guild and has stayed in Magnolia ever since. [b]Personality:[/b] Vanu is a calm girl who doesn't really talk that much to people she doesn't know. She likes being around her fellow guild members and doesn't have that much trouble talking with them. [b]Team Members:[/b] / [b]Three Strengths:[/b] 1. Great organizational skills 2. She is quite smart 3. Has a big magic reserve [b]Three Weaknesses:[/b] 1. She is very sensitive to sunlight and gets sunburns easily 2. Has no confidence in her own abilities 3. Can get scared easily [b]Greatest Love:[/b] Reading books [b]Motivation:[/b] Wanting to find out more about her magic and find somewhere she belongs [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Appearance][img]http://i.imgur.com/UiFD1dW.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Additional Details:[/b] She always carries an umbrella with her for when the sun gets too hot.