Enrique looked at Thomas for a bit, he didnt like seeing him in pain. Were it not for Thomas Enrique would be one of the corpses walking around in the catacombs, and he was thankful for that. He knew Thomas was doing what he needed to do in order to keep their little trio alive but he didnt like signing up with the Outpost people, they didnt have the instinct to kill. They were too political about most things, for instance when they could have easily shot those guys in the street the guy with him, Rudy, thought it would be a good idea for them to wait and such. The fuck were they thinking? It would have been over and done with then, even if the walkers came by it'd get rid of the bodies and whoever came looking would likely think they soldier boys had tried to fight off the walkers, hence the shots. He knew for a fact he could lead better than that little bastard, he couldnt handle the fact that they were so civilian minded. He understood that Thomas and Bex werent military but they could understand what Enrique said when he said it, these idiots thought everything needed a debate. Enrique noticed Reggie looking at him and stared back, he wasnt about to be sized up by anyone even if that wasnt what Reggie was trying to do. He registered what the man had said about training and decided it was time to speak up. "If you're going to train your new recruits you should let me help," He said with a stoney face, "I have military experience, I know my way around a firefight and from what I've seen your people need more training. That is of course if you dont mind me roughing some of them up, which will happen now and then."