Natsumi was normally quick to react to the presence of a dear friend, and even faster for family. It hadn’t taken very long for her to hear the steps of Kaede, who was surprised with how quickly she popped her head out of her room. The arrival was met with excitement and, in common fashion for the Uchiha, rushed to Kaede and welcomed her with a very tight hug. Kaede braced herself preemptively, and returned the hug with her own. [b]“It’s good to see you, I’m doing very well.”[/b] Tea sounded good, as there was plenty of time before things were to begin. Agreeing to some tea with a nod of the head, Kaede watched her hurry off again, excitement brimming from her green-haired head. It was no secret to Kaede that Natsumi was eager to help with the rebellion’s efforts, after all her mother was taking part and her father was heading it. It took a great deal of patience and understanding to lead some overeager band of people. The Empire’s reign hadn’t been easy on Konoha; some blamed the Hokage and Mizukage for being too weak to defeat the Empress, but that opinion was unpopular and beaten down quickly by others. With the Tsuchikage, Raikage, and Kazekage killed in combat with her by report, a combined attack by the Mizukage and Hokage was hoped to have done the job. As the 4th Hokage had regretfully put things, they nearly had her until help had arrived, and the counterattack was so swift and brutal that the Mizukage didn’t return from that mission, sacrificing himself so that the Hokage might escape. Nikuya, the Empire’s top occupant in Konoha, was one of the people that had interrupted the maneuver that was sure to defeat the Empress, and according to the Hokage’s reports she was one of two survivors that the pair couldn’t defeat before succumbing to fatigue and drastic loss of chakra. The details were kept to a minimal; it was no secret that those two were very close friends since their days as chuunin, and it had to have been even worse for the Hokage to inform his wife who had resided in Konoha herself. 5th Mizukage Shinji Yuki is lived on by her, and two children that are in Kirigakure, but no amount of words could fill a void that large. The Empress had caused much grief for both villages that day, and that was the failure that saw the villages of Konoha and Kiri occupied for the past six months. Taking a seat at the table in the Uchiha Estate’s living room, Kaede admired the atmosphere of a warm and welcoming home in spite of tonight’s efforts. Chizuma, Natsumi’s mother, appeared to be out right now and helping prepare in her own way. [b]“I can never get over how nice your home is, Natsumi.”[/b] Kaede remarked, genuinely impressed considering the nature of both mother and daughter. The 4th was a strong man for enduring so much love from both of them, and as she understood things her grandfather was still out. Though it wasn’t common knowledge, Kaede knew that Takeo Watanabe had departed for Kiri days ago for this joint uprising, and should return later today. [b]“Do you think your grandfather will be back? In time, I mean.”[/b] Kaede lowered her head, but kept her eye over towards Natsumi. [b]“You ...know what’s happening tonight, don’t you?”[/b] - [i]‘Yeesh, things are so bad no one can take a joke very well anymore.’[/i] Takeo lightly shrugged his shoulders at the pair. The young man was uninterested in any jesting, and Matsuka was apparently not in much of a mood either. Seemed that he’d need to get someone drunk with him to laugh a bit, but perhaps these two were just too tense and unexpressive to have much meaningful socialization. At the mention of Matsuka’s panther and the ‘love’ of it meeting him, Takeo had let out a single small chuckle of amusement in his throat. He wasn’t sure if she actually believed anything she summoned would make him sweat, or if that was her own joke and she just had poor delivery. In any case a meal was on his mind more than jokes, but Matsuka needed to work on that. With Teuchi coming around to collect the currency Matsuka dropped, Takeo happened to turn towards the girl again, only to see her with a very odd attempt at subtle communication. [i]‘What in the world…?’[/i] Sign language? Sure, Takeo could recognize it by the hand signals alone but she was kind of stretching things by assuming he could understand what exactly she was asking him by doing it. He already understood well enough; the kid next to her wasn’t to be trusted with the matters that both he and Matsuka were familiar with, but Takeo was already capable of assessing that himself. If he didn’t recognize them as rebels, he kept his mouth shut, didn’t even imply a single thing linking him to them. Before Takeo could even think of how to convey how suspicious she was looking, Teuchi had cleared his throat and returned with a bowl of chicken ramen. Simple dish, filling but not too much, just as he wanted. [b]“Here you are.”[/b] [b]“Smells great Teuchi!”[/b] just before Takeo could break apart the chopsticks, Teuchi had beckoned him with his hand to come closer, and Takeo had moved in to listen to what exactly it was Teuchi was telling him. Between the two, it seemed that Teuchi had some words of his own, and Takeo shared the same sentiment. Takeo’s eyes traveled to Matsuka only once, and then returned to Teuchi. [b]“Thank you, old friend. Good to know.”[/b] Rather than take a seat, Takeo had taken the bowl in his left hand, and the chopsticks in his right. Breaking them apart expertly with just enough pressure in his thumb to separate them, he took to eating the noodles in silence, and stepped outside. Teuchi and Takeo had been friends long enough for him to step outside and do this without much fuss, and for that he was thankful. He had been gone for almost several days, and he understood how difficult it was for Kenji to keep track of every boneheaded subordinate, but reprimanding would come later. [b]“Matsuka, have you been keeping up with your Kendo training? I remember it being a hobby for you.”[/b]