Ivy puttered around as Jötz made his own inspections, attempting to wring stagnant water out of her hair with one hand while simultaneously trying to trap the wheel under her newly truncated arm. But her Jaeger friend's announcement that he'd found more tools -- as well as more of the barge -- quickly overrode any other interest she had in the boat or its wheelhouse. "Really?" she blurted, suddenly giddy with possibility. "What kind of tools? I've been thinking, we could really use a wrench that doubles as a precision laser and also maybe a hand cannon, like the one I made you, but bigger!" She followed the sound of his voice to the hatch, remembering at the last moment to take her mint lamp between her teeth before she followed him into the darkness. "Mm cunnig don!" she announced even as she was falling the few feet to splash into the water beside him. She felt her heel catch something solid and furry and tried to angle herself away from the rest of what she assumed was Jötz body. "Oof -- smfy -- " She righted herself, squinting the in the murky, bluish light as she spat the mint-flavored lantern in her her good hand. "I mean sorry. Where're the tools?" She pushed past him without waiting for an answer, first finding a small assortment in a shallow tin box. Her eyes widened as she took in the new fare. "[i]Finally[/i]!" she exclaimed, sifting through the box with oil-stained fingers. "I bet I can make a new arm with some of these!" She glanced at Jötz briefly over her shoulder. "Do you want one, too? I promise I won't cut your arm off until I finish the new one."