I know, participate before you create, but I'm too impatient for that and I already know something of some of the forumgoers :P. I tried this concept twice on the Minecraft Forums. The first one was a not very good due to the very lax rules that existed then, which led to the posts turning into just some number-risers. The second time was pretty much the only non-embarrasing thing that I did on the whole Minecraft Forums, but it soon found itself dead. Anyway, the concept of this RP is simple. You control a race and you have to lead it on it's history. In this RP, you will not only control one single political entity, but all of the political entities that are controled by your race. And unlike most race RPs, this one will be completely realistic (unless we really get into space) and we will start on 1 A.D. Alright, now here's the boring rules part. Apart from the basic rules, in addition to that, humanized versions of IRL animals are not allowed (humans and variants aren't allowed either) (mythical animals are OK, I shall already reserve gryphons because they are fucking awesome) (reptilians are OK too, just for the Illuminati's sake). In addition, you may create up to two races. Unless you have a good reason for it, you will have to split your race between nations for stability (and no, you may not use your nations as "slaves" for the "main" nation and unless you really must, you may not join your nations in a huge alliance) (I'm saying "for stability" because you may start with an unified race, but be prepared for possible strikes due to instability). In addition, you must always make 4-6 sentences of history at minimum. The time process will depend on the era and the player activity. If there are only a few active players and on the ancient era, feel free to jump a couple of months in each post, but if we're on the modern age and with high activity, the most process allowed will be 3-4 weeks, although that is a discussion for another moment. Finally, you must insert the in-game date when you begin a post. What do you guys think about this idea? If you want to support or criticize, feel free to comment down below.