Gareth pulled down his hood to reveal his entire face to the two newcomers that approached him. Before they had neared him, his eyes watched the duo furtively from the corners of his peripheral vision, and already Gareth conjectured a sort of pre-analysis of the seemingly noble man, who was determinately arrogant in the face, and a dressed woman, whom he deemed pretentious. These he knew were only judgements, and in his mind he cleared them in order to dismiss any predisposition towards the newcomers. The boy put on a light smile for the two when the man had spoken to him, and he turned fully to acknowledge the pair in return. "Yes, uh," Gareth paused, gathering the words he wanted. "It's intriguing almost... It is indeed bizarre. The absence provokes a thought of the possibility of chaos." That thought he grasped for a moment, recalling how he felt about the situation of the instability in the government. "But this land... it needs order." Perhaps if things did collapse, perhaps order could come spontaneously from the chaos to counteract it, and bring a golden era with it. Gareth, in this fragment of time, received the impression that an upheaval was underfoot. A premonition came to him, and it foreshadowed that things might go awry in the coming day, this increasing his already growing anxiety over the coronation.