As he continued to mull through his room, putting his clothes and other such in the bags he had brought, Dick suddenly stopped. His chest tightening, and his heart racing. What he had done here, he wouldn't come back from. He'd never found out if he had killed the boy or not when he had been chasing down Zucco. He hadn't even thought to look back to see if he had been alright! He hoped that Gotham would change him, straighten him out, but now that he thought it over...Perhaps he was too far gone. Hell, he'd been taken to drinking his problems away. Even that didn't work anymore. He hadn't told Ray, hadn't told him anything other than he would be out on another patrol. But, knowing how smart he was, he had to leave it all before he would think to find out. Maybe that made him a coward, but he couldn't risk it. Dick had been [i]so[/i] close...So close to ending Zucco. Yet, Dick didn't spare him as a mercy. He knew that Zucco had nothing left to live for, that his family had disowned him. He was begging for death. That, was why Dick had left him in the rain that night, left him to possibly bleed to death. But, knowing Zucco, he fled. Biting his bottom lip to keep from shouting, Dick brought his fist up and spun around, faster than someone as tired as he should have been able to do. The connection with his fist to the wall sounded off like an alarm. Echoing through the building's very bone structure. After removing his now red knuckles from the dented wall, Dick slid down to his knees. He had to keep strong, but he knew...He wouldn't be the same, not after what he'd done.