A government without corruption. Karl almost chuckled at the idea. It wasn't a particularly bad one and his amusement wasn't at Gareth's ideals. It was the irony that he'd be hearing this sort of talk after his less than graceful descent from court after court. Instead of laughing, he lightly sighed and acknowledged the boy's wish with a somber nod. He felt relieved that the topic had shifted, he knew why the talk of 'ideal government' made him uneasy but not why it had started to do so only now and not for all the times before. Odd then, that he didn't mind introducing himself, small and little known though his name was, the few who knew him always seemed to adopt this little sneer when he admitted his name. "I am Karl Leid, and I'm pleased to have met you Gareth." That trained-in greeting never really left a man. "If I may be so bold as to ask, what brings a man with so much left in his life to a place where life is so seldom enjoyed? I don't believe I've seen you around here before, not that they don't fill this place with as many fresh faces as they can every year." He motioned to the empty hall behind him, which would soon enough fill with angry and confused court officials trying to say their peace in the vast political game.