[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/28b2c730-ca68-4bd7-9f8e-b47802ac8b9a.jpg] MEPHIA ZEVI left Wiz at age 41, arrived on earth in year 1912 || died at age 136, would be age 142 present day Born in The Under, his parents were quite popular among the poor and educated many wizards, even tutoring a young wizard named Angeles Apollos who eventually grew up to become the rebel leader Seraphion. They were kind, chivalrous people and were incredibly happy when Mephia was born. Mephia, however, did not quite turn out how they expected. It was as if Mephia was born with all of the bad parts of themselves and none of their good; he never showed anybody genuine love. He was born with incredible physical strength that was unnatural for even a wizard and often used violence to get his way, usually combining his strength with dark magic to win. One of the few redeeming qualities he had was his politeness and tolerance to those he respected, and he respected his parent's power, despite him not loving them. Mephia hated weakness and always asked his parents if he could "get rid of some of the pests so that they did not have to waste their time or concern on them". His parents managed to keep him from growing up into a serial killer by allowing him to soothe his blood lust through participating in colosseum fights, where killing opponents was allowed. Miraculously, he did not kill many of his opponents, for Mephia believed it would be a waste to have powerful fighters like them die. He barely paid any attention to his younger brother Mephisto when he was born, thinking of him as both weak and a nuisance. He felt his brother's only use was to distract their parents from getting too involved with Mephia's activities. When the king passed away and Bellarose began her rule, Mephia's parents became thieves who stole from the nobility and distributed the riches among the poor. Mephia often argued with them about giving the money to "the pathetic wizards we have to live with in this dump" and hated that they wasted their time caring about strangers. He eventually ventured onto the surface on his own and became fascinated by how different the world seemed to be. Deciding that there was no way he would settle for living in The Under with his foolish parents anymore, he began plotting on how he could live on the surface. Mephia, admiring the way the queen used her power to crush the weak and demand absolute authority, approached one of her followers and begged for an opportunity to become the servant of such a powerful queen who had great ideals. It took a long time to get what he wanted, but after Mephia brought the heads of his troublesome parents and their accomplices before her and claiming that they were "filthy thieves who wanted to rebel against her and gathering the money in order to hire an assassin", Mephia finally proved that he could be a worthy follower. He became one of Bellarose's personal assassins and devoted the next seven years to carrying out the queen's wishes. Mephia worshiped the queen and basically acted like her loyal slave when he wasn't on a mission to assassinate someone; as long as he got to kill and fight, he didn't mind being treating horribly. He completely abandoned his brother Mephisto in The Under and the only reason he didn't finish off the last tie to his annoying family was that their father pleaded Mephia to spare Mephisto. Mephia, despite never loving his father, did respect him in his own twisted way and stuck to his promise. When the prince had Bellarose publicly executed, he could do nothing to stop it because he was not in the city and when he returned it was just in time to hear her final words. While he was truly loyal to Bellarose, that loyalty died when she did, and he would have loved to serve her bloodthirsty son who displayed such wonderful power in the public execution. Much to his disappointment, he knew Belzeneff would never accept him and was going to execute all of her followers, so he planned to escape before he was killed by the prince's wrath. Since the late queen often exiled people, Mephia knew exactly how to go about the process, and fled to the human world. He arrived in a country called America and immediately set out to find a place to live. He used his magic to "convince" a wealthy man to let him marry his daughter. Mephia did not care about the human girl at all, but she had money and a nice house that he needed. He rarely interacted with her and was not even attracted to her and hated that she was weak. He tolerated her for a few years until he joined the war as an excuse to leave. Mephia loved fighting in the war and did not use his magic in order to make it more "fun" unless he needed to heal a wound, however sometimes let himself get shot in order to feel what the weapons were like. Afterwards, he returned to his wife and was genuinely surprised that she stayed faithful to a guy like him and had no idea why she had not left him yet and actually missed him, but then realized that humans were strange and remembered they thought women had no rights. He personally did not think so, since he was the former follower of a tyrannical queen after all, and believed that humans were all equally weak but he made no effort to do something about the human's stupidity. He also hated that his human mother-in-law kept nagging him and his wife about having children. Mephia just killed them and took all of their wealth for himself, then moved to a different city where he enjoyed the roaring twenties as a bachelor and just partied. When the Great Depression occurred, he was incredibly annoyed, but managed to retain his wealth and remain a member of the upper class. He hated and viewed the New Deal programs as handouts to the worthless and unemployed, which reminded him of how his parents used to give money to the poor back on Wiz. He participated in many wars and battles during his time in the human world, such as world war two, but there were often times where he got bored with wars since he had to listen to human commanders so he often just stayed home to do whatever he wanted. In 1984, he got a knock on his door from a fifteen year old boy claiming to be his son. Mephia did like to mess around with the humans, so he thought it was entirely possible for the random kid to be his child, but since he did not sense much magic in him he did not care. He decided to stay in contact though, in case he eventually showed some magic (since he did not know if half wizards developed magic as quickly) but never actually bothered to mention to his son that he was a wizard. In 1989, Mephia's grandson was born and he could sense that he was strong. The boy had inherited his powerful strength, unlike his weak son, and Mephia was determined to make sure that his descendant did not end up like the rest of his weak and worthless family. He felt an odd possessiveness for his grandson. He killed his son and daughter-in-law and all of the rest of his grandson's human relatives one by one, blaming it on "tragic accidents" so that Mephia could be the only one to raise him. He changed his grandson's name to Mephis, to keep with Wiz's tradition, but kept his last name as Roosevelt because deep deep deep deep deep down, he felt slightly guilty for killing his son and felt he should be honored in some way. While raising Mephis, Mephia discovered that his grandson could also see spirits of the dead for some reason and he was glad that the family members he killed off never actually saw that he was the culprit. As Mephis grew up, Mephia developed a softer side and he began to actually love him despite never feeling that way for anyone in nearly a century of living. His feelings were real enough that when Mephis was ambushed and shot in the head by thugs in 2007, Mephia slaughtered the humans who dared harm him. He managed to heal all of his wounds to where not even a scar was showing but Mephia, who resorted to using some of the darkest magic to help the only person he ever cared about, knew he was about to die as a consequence. He didn't regret it at all though, to his surprise, but when Mephis regained consciousness, Mephis started crying over him and begged him not to die. There was no way Mephia was going to leave him alone and depressed over his death, because that would make him weak, so he used the last of his strength to remove his grandson's memory and then his body disintegrated and scattered in the wind. [/center]