Zeto was right, there was definitely more enemies ahead. The platform she just shot was deployed just to test the water to. Geth just wanted to see what is Mako really capable of Shepard gave them a good show. She was sure that Geth will be much more prepared on them. Shepard was angry on herself. She was riding right into jaws of hell itself she didn´t even have a decent intel on her enemy. Numbers, exact specifications of Geth weaponry or Geth themselves… Information like this could be always useful and in situations like this, they could be even vital. They were riding blind into unknown waters and Shepard never liked surprises. She had enjoyed a way more than a fair amount of them and they were never pleasant. Like that time when that wild thresher maw appeared out of the ground right under Shepard´s squad and slaughtered them. With experiences like that, she was already sick of surprises and feared what things could be Geth hiding behind the next rock. A thought stroke her mind. “Zeto, how many Geth can fit into that drop ship? What weapons can they carry, is there something that could just flat out wipe us?” She didn´t need to thoroughly search Alliance or Citadel archives, she had much more reliable source information right on the next seat.