[center] [b]-SECTOR AV-244-[/b] [b]-Island of Cavo-[/b] \AVA OPCOM 2-4/ Mark Anderson briskly walked through the halls of the large base towards the Communications Room of the facility. He wore a worried expression on his face and seem to be very much in a hurry. The doors open and Anderson strode in, everyone in the room came to attention. "At ease men. Kat, can we still not contact F.O.B. Echo?" he asked his second in command who was currently staring over the shoulder of an operator on a computer. She looked at Anderson with a similar hopelessness on her face. "No sir, we've lost all contact with them.... Shall we send in a recovery team?" "Yes..... But before we do that, get everyone together in the main briefing hall, I would like to use this as an example to the men." With that he walked out the room. An hour later, most of the staff and soldiers had gathered in a large auditorium like room. Those who were not there had their radios and computer screens ready to hear the company wide announcement from their commander. Mark took to the stage and gave a big sigh before looking at the crowd. "LISTEN UP! Now just an hour ago, we lost contact with the Forward Operations Base Echo. They were under attack by the natives then went silent, so we can only assume the worst. I tell you all this to remind you what we are up against. These animals are not stupid! They may lack what we have, but THEY ARE NOT STUPID AND ARE A SERIOUS THREAT! Now these..... Dacyirii.... Are not the worst many of us have faced. In fact, they are much less of a threat than the bug threat on Klendathu! Why do I think this? Because one major flaw that those giant bugs didn't have, something that curses all beings that reach a level of self actualization! They FEAR! They have fear! They can be scared shittless and that's what we will really exploit. That's why we are bringing in more Walkers, that's why you are required to wear that armor of yours! Sure it protects you and helps you in battle, but what it really does is make you look like a fucking menace to those spear chucking motherfuckers! Thus I leave you with this, men and women of the AVA Mercenary Corporation. If you want to survive this, if you want to get payed and put down these rabid animals, do not underestimate their ability to strategize and do not overestimate their fearlessness. That is all." With that, Mark Anderson left the stage, and the employees took note of what he said. Not often did the commander make such a public statement, and due to previous experience, never took his advice lightly. Mark began to head to his office when a secretary walked up beside him. "Wouldn't say that was one of your best speeches..... buuuut I guess it was okay. CEO wants to talk to you, he's on hold on your computer." he said to Anderson before peeling away. Anderson entered his office and sat down at his desk. The screen in from of him came to life and on an aged man in a suit with an emotionless face. "Hello sir, I wasn't expecting you to call." Anderson said to the man. "Well things are rapidly changing involving this planet's operations, isn't? First I must tell you that the core fleet will be arriving soon along with those new autonomous soldiers we purchased. We are... eager to field test this new investment, and I would assume you are too. Second, those recent reports you sent have been most concerning. While both AVA and the I.F.E. were expecting some....competition for this planet, your report states that a multitude of factions seem have come for this little blue gem." "Yes sir, I'm not concerned about our new neighbors, though there is one colony here that has peaked my interest. Azura" "Hmmm? Azura?" "Yes sir.... I think seizing their assets will be a valuable gain for this company." "......Tell me more" --- [b]-Sakria-[/b] \F.O.B. Echo/ Three "Cobra" transports and one "Viper" Gunship flew into the airspace of the base that had been recently raided by the native people. When they got overhead, they spotted a handful of Dacyirii seemingly searching for any survivors before they noticed the incoming aircraft. They made a break for the forest nearby, but were torn to pieces by the Gatling gun on the Viper before they could get away. The gunship hovered overhead while AVA Mercenaries repelled down from the dropship. Squad Leader Val deployed his squad's UGV and set to patrol the perimeter while they scouted the interior of the base. They moved into the building, guns ready, to be met with a gory mess. Men chopped to pieces lay everywhere next to the corpses of natives. "Damn.... Looks like the natives got the jump on these guys.... Lazy bastards were supposed to install those motion trackers first....Alright men, lets start clearing out the dead. Anything still moving is to be shot as usual. Lets get this F.O.B. up and running again.... [/center]