[b]Kala's Shop, Los Angeles[/b] [b]9:00am[/b] Kala sat behind her counter and took a small piece of her lunch for Felix. She motioned for him to sit up on his haunches and fed him the piece for his good behavior. As he finished his treat, she scratched under his chin and then laid her arm on the counter. He responded by quickly but carefully climbing up her arm and perching himself on her shoulder. Kala herself reached into a drawer and pulled out a small rawhide stick and snapped it in half, reaching up to give her pet a piece. He needed to gnaw his teeth down and she spied a customer, so it would keep him quiet and calm. The man that came in was acting shaky, his beady eyes looking from side to side, his form hunched over slightly. That being said, with the cartel snooping around as of late, she didn't blame him too much for his fear. He held a battered and dirty drone in his arms and set it on the counter in front of her. He then proceeded to open his mouth. "I-I f-found this in a junkyard. M-maybe you s-should have it. F-for free." When the woman didn't respond verbally, he reached for the drone. Kala blocked his hand with her own and shook her head. She pointed to her throat and then made a cutting motion with her whole hand to signal she couldn't speak. Then, on a notebook in front of her, she wrote down some sentences for him to read. "I will take it. Be careful on the way out. The cartel's are out about this time. Stand straight and walk confidently and you should be fine. Act nervous and they will target you." She then spun the drone a bit to get a good look at it all and nodded approvingly before shaking the man's hand and watching him walk out the door. He didn't bother to take her advice and kept looking nervous and guilty, so she could only suspect he would get mugged before he left the area. Once he was out of sight, Kala reached up to pet Felix, carefully grabbing him and moving him to her pocket before she logged in to check with the police. She took a picture of it and navigated to the police HQ site. From there, she sent a message with the picture attached, asking if it was involved in any crimes as a man gave it to her for free and seemed to be hiding something. Not waiting for the response, she took a precautionary measure and set in on a workbench, unplugging its power sources and sensors before disassembling it to prevent any possible bugs. She inspected each piece closely, finding nothing out of the ordinary and then left it, going in back to resume work on one of her customer's motorcycles.