After his request to be able to take Devon's eyes posthumously he realized something, he would be dead. Why ask for permission? This reasoning could work with any one of his fellow students here if any part of their body was worth collecting, it would be hard to top purple peepers. His thoughts went away when Smokey playfully nibbled on his leg again, probably wanting food. Arson couldn't provide any currently and simply patted his small furry head. He started to ponder how he could feed him, cutting off his own finger was always an option considering he had 10 right?. Then maybe the whole hand if they wouldn't let them into the school for awhile. He has two of those. Then maybe the whole arm.... Arson dug his nails into his own hand to return to reality. Soon the out-of-place lightning struck and Arson actually hopped into the air a bit. [i]Maybe it caused a fire? Only one real way to tell?[/i] He turned and noticed the school was in one piece and not going to burn down anytime soon probably. The quickly built up anticipation soon met with results that disappointed and Arson's expression became rather sulky for a moment. In place of the fire was a tall man who introduced himself as Joseph Tynedale. The headmaster. Apparently he, and we, have to wait on his assistant. Arson hated waiting. Unless of course there was something to do or ponder. Like the fact Beth was a telepath... Wait. What? [i]...Everything I think of isn't only existing in my mind... All I have to do is not think right? No... not possible. All I have to do is not think of anything crude, abnormal, vulgar, carnal, and et cetera right? No... Not possible. [/i] Arson's exterior was rather calm and collected while all these chaotic thoughts filled his mind. [i]Just don't think about burning anything... Or of anything.... Wait! There is a way to stop thinking...[/i] His eyes quickly became aimed at his fire poker. [i]Lobotomies right? No... Well only one way to find out hmm?[/i] His thoughts again were interrupted yet again by a hungry Smokey. His mind could never wander with Smokey around. Perhaps that was a bit of a good thing. He dully noted Anzhelika hiding her chin inside her sweater as if it was cold and Ray's aggression towards the headmaster. One was odd the other amusing to him and he wanted to see Ray at least attempt to beat the shit out of someone or get the shit beaten out of him but it seemed he wouldn't go for it. What a shame. He also heeded the notebook she took out and felt the need to find out what was inside of it but decided against just taking or asking. Both would probably not give him results he was looking for. [i]...Stop thinking about things...[/i] Eventually his assistant, Ms. Alberda, appeared and he said words that pleased Arson and probably most of the other students, "So let's go ahead and get inside." Arson kinda ignored the well.... everything else. The doors were finally opened and Arson looked like had lost something with the amount of looking around he was doing. How exciting this... could be. He never did have a formal education and this building seemed fancy. The nurse's office, gymnasium, auditorium, and so on were all amazing to Arson. He didn't really show much of his curiously but he still walked in a rather strange fashion and heavily examined what they passed by. Afterward they all went to a conference room, still led by the headmaster and his assistant. [i]“Does anyone have any questions about what you did or didn't see?”[/i] Arson was busy absorbing everything he saw and sat in his chair rather calmly, without the foot and finger tapping.