Alright, three intrested. I'm going to make the OP on Sunday, Monday or on Tuesday unless two more people get in. And I'm going to write down the app here in case you want to start making it. I strongly reccomend removing the parts in parenthesis. Name: (self-explaining) Description: (one paragraph should be for physical description with 6 sentences minimum unless you use an image, and another paragraph for it's behaviour and other non-physical stuff (I know this sounded lame, I couldn't word it another way) with 5 sentences minimum) Evolution/General history: (optional) (the evolution of your races and the general history of your nations should be put here) Strengths: (this should be what your race is good at and the aspects it's more advanced) Weaknesses: (what your race is not good at and the aspects it's more retrograde) In case you want to write down your nation, you don't need to write a nation app unless you want to detail a nation. It can really be just a name and the amount of population, or a massive application detailing each and one of the minor details. In addition, the map will be here soon. The biomes don't look very good though, and any suggestions/changes are appreciated. It was made with [url=]this tool[/url] with the 4397936 seed. EDIT: Here it is. [hider=Geographical Map] [IMG][/IMG][/hider] [hider=Geographical Map w/numbered regions] [IMG][/IMG][/hider]