Have you given thought to the typical method of power in this future? Fossil fuels would add a layer of grittiness and realism I guess, but maybe we've managed to find a new but equally harmful form of energy, just in a different way? Something with a higher power yield the Government is citing as clean and revolutionary, but we see the physical consequences in the slums? If it's a consumable energy source then presumably it must have some kind of waste, maybe scattered throughout the slums are highly toxic dumping grounds for this stuff? You could see the effects on the extremely disadvantaged citizens (disease, corruption of water sources, even crippling/deforming mutations), maybe robbing them of the jobs they rely on to eat? It might be a bit too videogamey, I'm not sure. I quite like the idea of mega-propaganda, also. Maybe something about dehumanising the proletariat, making the middle-class and comfortable actively resent them? Spun news stories, manipulation of pop-culture, etc. I agree with RoadRash about it being a corporate government, it's always a decent idea when forming a dystopia. An interesting way to portray the exploitation of the masses might be incredibly restricting working contracts, to the point of them being paid slavery? Their families get fed and they're paid SOMETHING, but it's back-breaking labour that severely restricts their human rights. An alternate way to portray this could be like the Finkton system in Bioshock Infinite, in which the poor have to bid for their jobs, bidding against each other by increasingly lowering their proposed salary. Maybe. Maybe maybe maybe maybe. BASICALLY I'M SUPER INTERESTED.