[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/BrothersConflict6001627251.jpg] THOMAS ROOSEVELT died age 20 || would be 44 present day The son of Mephia and father of Rodrigo. Thomas grew up with a single mother and an absent father. The only thing he knew about his father was his name and the story of how his mother met him; he was a US soldier who met his mother in Hawaii while he was on leave, and he apparently left to go back to fight in Vietnam before his mother ever realized she was pregnant. Mysteriously, he could not be found when she tried to look for him, as if he magically disappeared off the face of the earth. So Thomas assumed his father died in the war and never thought about him. As a kid he was left alone for long periods of time because his mother was forced to work a lot and at school he was picked on for looking younger than most of his classmates. He was also poor and had to wear old clothes to school, giving his mean classmates even more material to judge and pick on. Thomas' life got even worse when his mother got ill from stress. He attempted to please her by pretending he had friends and never mentioning the bullying, not wanting to give her more to worry about, but her health kept declining and he was too young to get a job to help her. When he was thirteen she passed away and Thomas was sent to live with his grandparents. They were nice to him, but his aunt's family who lived in the same house hated him and emotionally abused him. Thomas tried spending all of his time away from home and to occupy his time, he decided to try and find more information about his mysterious father. He eventually tracked down a war veteran who remembered the name "Mephia" and he learned that his father did not actually die in the war like he thought. It took until he was fifteen to finally locate where his father lived and he showed up on his doorstep, and even though they just met he surprisingly allowed Thomas to stay with him. He tried asking his father questions, but he was never taken seriously and just responded with strange answers that drove Thomas crazy. When he asked his fathers age or how he looked so young, Mephia would just respond something like "113 years old" or "Magic keeps me youthful", causing Thomas to lash out at him but Mephia was never affected. He was ignored most of the time and his father let him do whatever he liked, but he definitely preferred him over his mother's family. After graduating high school he met a girl named Jasmine at a coffee shop and they became fast friends. She eventually became the girl Thomas married and he was happy, finally glad that his life was truly looking up now. Even his father had gained an interest in him and his family once his son Anthony was born, which Thomas considered a miracle. But, as if he was cursed to never be happy for too long, Thomas and Jasmine were killed in a car crash a few months later. [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/a03b0478-3fe5-4bcf-8de0-4ca4d07153f8.jpg] JASMINE ROOSEVELT died age 21 || would be 45 present day The mother of Rodrigo. An average human girl living on earth, Jasmine grew up with a loving family and was always a popular girl at school. Her friendliness left her with many friends and, even though her innocence and naivety sometimes ended with her taken advantage of, she was a kind girl. After graduating high school, she eventually met a boy named Thomas at a coffee shop. He was a janitor there and he helped her when she accidently spilled her coffee on the floor. He was a bold man who offered to buy her a new drink and they had a lovely conversation over his break. They became fast friends and kept in contact with one another, and Jasmine eventually married him. She was happy married to Thomas and was overjoyed when their son was born, but her life was tragically cut short when she and Thomas died in a car accident. But even death would not tear her apart from her only son, and as a spirit, she watched over him as he grew up. Her son eventually was able to see her, and although she did not have the ability to speak with him, Jasmine liked to show him affection by playing with his hair or kissing his wounds. Even when he could no longer see her because she was not a vengeful spirit, she continued to stay by his side and watch over him from afar. When her son was shot and dying, Jasmine soothed his pain away with what little power she had, before finally fading away into the afterlife because she no longer had any power left to tether herself to earth. [/center]