Wallace rubbed his forehead as Hal walked away, appearing lost in thought with the man's news. "Troublesome, troublesome," he said softly, and produced a pad and paper from within his open, long, navy blue coat. After a few, quick notes were scrawled down on the pages, he replaced the pad and looked back to Tursgud. "Such a troublesome country, Lachne. First they collapse and then the dregs they left behind do nothing but get in the way of our kingdom. Perhaps an expedition is in the future, ah, but that's none of my concern." He shook his head, grinning at the thought of a party planner plotting such a thing. He cleared his throat, bringing a hand to his mouth, and met eyes with Tursgud again. "So, do you have any business that I may help you with?" In truth, he'd much rather have continued on and retired for the night himself, but one important piece of news had come out of the Bernings that night, perhaps Tursgud had more to add on Hal's revelation. Whatever was happening in Lachne was none of his concern, but passing messages along was the least he could do to help. Karl turned to face the other group when Gareth pointed them out to him, he had no doubt that something interesting, or at least worth butting their way into, was being discussed over on the other end of the throne room. A trio joined them, bearing what was no doubt their belongings. Decidedly martial looking equipment handed to the man, and enough bags to indicate that this entourage was indeed wealthy. They weren't from Estovet, but that was the limit of what he could surmise from where he was and that was an embarrassingly unfounded assumption made based on the fact that he hadn't seen them before. They could have just as easily been some little known band of royals from the northwest but that was just over complicating things, Karl thought. Either way, he and Gareth had a chance to approach them, they were departing, and if a Thistle knight was accompanying them it wasn't anyone they were going to follow or impose upon. He shrugged his shoulders, helpless and exasperated. "It would seem not," he said, watching them go. "They've got the right idea though. It's early in the night for this city, but tomorrow is going to be a long day. It might just be best to find some place to sleep." He tilted his head, unsure of how to make an exit, but in doing so let surprise show on his face when he saw that his accomplice from earlier had disappeared. "Apparently I'm out past curfew anyway, they did afford me a retainer but they seem to have run off."