Kai raised a mug with the others, they may have a long way to go as pirates, but they'd taken a great step towards earning his respect during that dinner. At the mention of their marks, Kai had rolled up his sleeves revealing both his Stardusk, and his Leviathan Tattoos. They drank and talked and ate for a while longer before it seemed that they were slowly dispersing. Kai sat down back in his corner "Another time Captain, I promise I'll tell you lot all about my days plundering and pillaging before all this." he said as he took out his own personal map of Waterdeep. They called it the City of Splendors, although Kai had never seen it that way. He was on speaking terms with the Royal Halister Family though as he'd protected their merchant ships for a while from other pirates. He had no other reason to do so rather than he'd felt particularly generous. But it had all worked out in the end as now Waterdeep had become a sort of safe haven for Kai as he was fairly safe from the government there. In addition to all this, Waterdeep happened to be home to his favorite tavern known as the Death's Head Inn. A young woman by the name of Wisaria Blackcloak was the barmaid there and was one of the few whom Kai had ever truely considered a friend. Right after his ship had been destroyed he'd found this place, the barmaid had been complaining about bar fights and not being able to stop them. Kai had offered to train the barmaid in swordplay in exchange for free rent. This deal went on for some time and also marked the first time Kai had ever personally trained someone how to swordfight. Now those who drink too much are thrown out, and those who aren't thrown out loose limbs, and THEN are thrown out. Kai nodded as he thought of Waterdeep... wondering how the old inn was doing, he'd have to make sure to take the crew there for some Dragonblood Wine, a specialty he'd helped create with Wisaria, and one of the few things that might knock even Luro down after just one mug.