[b]Name:[/b] Setsuko Hatsuyuki [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Race of Monster:[/b] Snow woman (Yuki-Onna) [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance: [/b] [img=http://i.imgur.com/20N1L.jpg] [b]History: [/b] She was born on the coldest day of the year, but unlike other snow women Setsuko was born with red eyes (albino). She was always considered odd by the others because of her eye color and so she was often avoided. To make others accept her she would often do all kinds of chores in their place, but as she is somewhat clumsy a lot of those went wrong. She went to primary school in the land of the yuki-onna. There she had almost all the same classes there would be in normal schools. She was genius in math and good at science, but because of her weak physique and her clumsiness she always failed at gym. She liked art and music classes, but almost fell asleep all the time during history classes. She was a bit of a loner in school as she was the only one in school with red eyes. It was during this time that she started reading books. She loved to ‘dive’ into the world of books and fantasy books were her favorites. While the bodies of the other girls of her age started to mature she remained in a child's body because of a disease. Because of this the others made fun of her and she lost almost all trust she had in herself. Although yuki-onnas that were born on the coldest day of the year have very strong cryokinetic abilities and are extremely weak against heat Setsuko wasn’t that powerful at all, but still extremely weak to fire. She has the potential, but she has no trust in her own abilities and so she can’t control them enough to do almost anything. When she turned 16 her parents decided she needed a change of pace so they sent her to Yokai Academy. Hoping that their daughter would be able to open up to others and start to have some trust in herself. --- [b]Personality: [/b] She is shy and very apologetic. When others tell her to do something she will quietly comply and try to do her best. Because she is shy she won't talk that much and whenever she is scared or nervous she will stutter a lot. She will always try her best when she does things even though she often fails at them because of her clumsiness. She does not like fights or arguments and will try to avoid them. When she does get into one she will often just apologize and surrender/yield. The only time she would stand her ground is when a friend is in danger. She will always try to help someone that is in need of help. Because she has always been a loner and never really tried to be open with others she has almost zero social skills. Her goals in life would be to be able to control her powers and to make some real friends. --- [b]Habits and quirks: [/b] She is clumsy and will always apologize whenever something goes wrong. She always wears a thin scarf because she likes them. Whenever temperatures are above 0 degrees she will always have a “small sucker?” (no idea how they’re called) in her mouth to keep herself cold. --- [b]Likes:[/b] board games, sweets, winter and snowy days, reading mangas and books, kind people --- [b]Dislikes:[/b] Mean people, summer and hot days, spicy food, fire, big crowds --- [b]Power(s):[/b] -Low Level Cryokinesis • Basic manipulation of snow and ice • She is able to transform her fingers into small ice claws • Regenerates any physical injuries when they’re in contact with snow/ice +Immune to cold --- [b]Weaknesses:[/b] -Race weakness • Fire/extreme heat makes her faint on the spot when she is too close • Hot temperatures reduce her abilities drastically -Personal weakness • Easily intimidated • Weak physique • Clumsy [b]Other:[/b] Even though she is 16 years old she still looks like a 13/14 year old because of a growth hormone disorder. In her 'human' form her body temperature is colder than a normal human's temperature.