This rp is going to be based off of a band that is going to be playing there last small time gig. Soon their lives are going to be changing more then they could have ever imagined. There isn't much detail besides a basic direction for where I want this to be, because I love character steered rps where you honestly don't know what is going to happen. For instance everyone could be happy but someone is homesick and finds ways to compensate for that be it alcohol, drugs, or sex. So that being Said I'll have some rules basing around some things that can be happening here. Rules: 1. Language is allowed just not every other word. 2. Romance or sex is allowed as long as you don't go to detail. If you do fade it out or take it to pm. 3. Don't control another character without that person or my permission. 3. Make sure you add at the bottom of the CS that there is two threes. 4. You must at least post every two or three days. 5. If you can't post for whatever reason let me know. 6.Send all CS to me for approval 7. To verify you have actually read all the rules at the bottom of your cs put L3TS ROCK Jobs: Lead Singer: Swarley Back up Vocals: (Do you just want to do back up and stay out of the spot light? This can be numerous people if needed.) Lead Guitar: ME (Sorry Guys) Rhythm Guitar: (Back me up man!) Co-Rhythm Guitar: (If we need a triple guitar assault let it be) Bass Guitar: MST3K 4ever Drums: MissCapnCrunch Keyboard: (add those ballads and high notes to really send music over the edge.) Synth: tanderbolt Violin: Gamerdude369 and sarcasticdevotee Manager: (You like getting as much money as possible so chances are we like you lol)