[center] [img]http://www.pictureshoster.com/files/237ze42t6l6rm4fpjlgp.jpg[/img] [/center] --- [img]http://www.pictureshoster.com/files/zmx5s3gb5silrvels3ez.png[/img] ➞ [b]Age:[/b] [i]17 [/i] ➞ [b]Gender:[/b] [i] Female [/i] ➞ [b]Orientation:[/b] [i]Straight [/i] ➞ [b]Position in Band:[/b] [i]Drummer[/i] ➞ [b]Instrument:[/b] [url=http://imgs.inkfrog.com/pix/musiciansdiscount/junior_drum_set_pink.jpg]Pound me till you're out of breath.[/url] ➞ [b]Personality:[/b] [i]Feisty. Outgoing. Happy-Go-Lucky. Sarcastic. Adventurous. Goofy. [/i] ➞ [b]Favorite Bands:[/b] [i]Flume, Atmosphere, Flatbush Zombies. [/i] ➞ [b]Hobbies/Skills:[/b] [i]Ana has a very good memory, and is often the one people ask to remember something for them to need to recall at later dates. Say goodbye to groccery lists and messaging machines, Ana has it covered. This comes pretty surprising to most people considering her hobbies mostly include alcohol and smoking.[/i] ➞ [b]Job:[/b] [i]Waitress at her father's diner sometimes.[/i] ➞ [b]Biography:[/b] [i]Analise was born of Italian descent into a lower middle class family. Her mother and father were both employed at the restaurant her father had opened in town, she never had too much hardship growing up. She is the youngest of 3 children; her two older brothers: Antonio and Anthony. Twins, and both quite the troublemakers. Growing up Ana spent quite the time with her brothers, following them around like a lost puppy. They protected and kept her safe, but also brought her into the world of vices while mom and dad were away at work, or sleeping soundly in bed after extra long shifts. Meeting the band was the best thing that could have ever happened to the girl. They really balanced her out, and without them she wouldn't know what her life might be like. A party here and there, a drink here and there to match. Ana could never keep track of them, despite her talent with keeping track of everything else. Without her friends to keep her straight, she almost didn't care. There wasn't too many memories of that night besides the rancid taste of vomit in her mouth the next day. "Yo, I don't feel so good. Come take care of me?" Ana texted helplessly; and of course her friends always delivered. [/i]