[b]Name:[/b] Laevatein (Meaning: The Fire Demon Sword) [b]Nickname:[/b] Eva [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] female [b]Type:[/b] Multi-Form Weapon [b]Transformation: [/b] [u]Schwertform [/u] [hider=Schwertform][img=http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120707013404/nanoha/images/e/e7/Laevatein.png] This is the form she will be in when transforming into a weapon. The sword will always be sheathed after transforming. She is a single edged sword. Her scabbard can be used to block attacks and is extremely resilient to damage. The sword can be inserted into the scabbard for an even stronger defense. [b](Soul Resonance)Sturm Dragon Winde:[/b] The blade is surrounded by a powerful purple flame that enhances her offensive power. The flame can also be launched at will by slashing the blade in a direction.[/hider] [u]Schlangeform [/u] [hider=Schlangeform ][img=http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110312073228/nanoha/images/3/39/SchlangeA.png] Mid-range form appearing as a chain-whip which can extend to great length and encircle opponents. It is very powerful for trapping and binding others. She can transform into this state by rotating her bolt above the hilt and transform back by rotating the bolt back to it's original position. [b](Soul Resonance)Flying Dragon Flash:[/b] This attack has mixed damage of stabbing/cutting and flame. To activate it she has to be inserted into her scabbard. After activating soul resonance she is pulled out in snake form and is surrounded in powerful purple flames. She is then launched forward to strike the enemy. Because of her form she can easily pass around defenses or hit an enemy from all sides by surrounding them. [url=http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110306063612/nanoha/images/6/6b/FlyingDragonFlash.jpg]Flying dragon Flash[/url][/hider] [u]Bogenform [/u] [hider=Bogenform ][img=http://media.animevice.com/uploads/0/2063/86651-s87.jpg] She can transform into this state by putting the bottom of the hilt and top of the scabbard together. In this form she can shoot powerful arrow-like bolts. While powerful, this form is awkward to use, leaving the meister defenseless for a few seconds as she draws and fires. She can't use this form without a meister as both her arms would be needed to form the bow. [b](Soul Resonance)Sturm Falcon:[/b]She gathers all of the energy into a single arrow that can pierce almost any defense. It's tip will be set ablaze with a big purple fire.[/hider] Before transforming into another state she has to say the name of that state. This has the downside of the opponent knowing what form she will use if they hear her say it. Every time she transforms a burst of steam will be released from the exhaust part above her hilt. [b]Partner:[/b] Ringomute Allegro aka APPLE [b]Appearance: [/b] [hider=appearance][img=http://cfs9.blog.daum.net/image/20/blog/2007/11/09/18/48/47342ce524b5d&filename=vita04_gusrmstjd456.jpg][/hider] [b]Soul: [/b] [hider=soul][img=http://i.imgur.com/m4Ixdib.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/vKWO1Rh.png][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] She is typically hot-tempered and stubborn and very impulsive. Although if she has someone that's close to her she will do everything in her might to protect him/her. Her soul is blood red and has her 2 trademark braids on the back. If she is being influenced with madness her soul turns purple and the ends of her braids become pointed. [b]Strengths: [/b] [list][*]Elemental Wavelength Manipulation: She can manipulate wavelengths in such a way that her weapon form sets ablaze with purple fire, which greatly increases her offensive power.[/*][*]Multi-Range weapon: She can cover short, mid and even long range. Although she can only do the latter while with a meister.[/*][*]Dark Weapon: As a dark weapon she has the ability to steal wavelenght energy from whoever is wielding her. She can do this in a very small amount while touching someone in human form.[/*][*]Cartridge System: Stolen wavelength energy can be stored inside bullet like cartridges (up to a max of 3) and are stored inside her hilt. To load them she opens her exhaust to load one and then closes it, releasing a lot of steam, to release all stored power at once. These can be used to get a sudden burst of power that enable her to use 1 soul resonance attack or stay within her to strengthen her offensive power. Using more than 1 at a time is very risky and could damage her and whoever is wielding her.[/*][/list] [b]Weaknesses: [/b] [list][*]Isn't really academic.[/*][*]Short temper[/*][*][u]Susceptibility to madness:[/u] Once fallen into madness it is easy to fall again and once in a while she can get a small attack of madness. Although she has learned to suppress it. Emotional shocks can trigger this as well.[/*][/list] [b]History:[/b] Laevatein had always lived alone with her father as her mother, who she inherited her weapon blood from, had died giving birth to her. She was happy during this period of her life though. Although she was sometimes bullied for being a weapon by some other kids, that didn't matter to her. Her father had also thought her some basic things about being a weapon that she needed to know. That all changed one night a year ago though. When she and her father were taking one of their nightly strolls to relax they were attacked by an evil human. Her father was slain right before her eyes and she was getting close to being defeated too. It was then she saw her fathers soul and remembered her father saying once that eating souls made weapons stronger. She then ate her fathers soul to get revenge on his murderer. Immediately she felt more powerful and her previously small red flame that she could use turned purple and gained power. She attacked the evil human with all the hate and despair she had and killed it. She only vaguely remembers what happened after that, but she had fallen into madness and went on a short killing spree, yet she had apparently eaten none of the victims souls. She also remembers what she felt then: "Lonely, why was she the only one that should be lonely?" The first thing she was actually aware of next was that both her arms had been stabbed. Then all the sadness of losing her father came back and she cried. The meister that had been fighting her took her to death city and was brought in front of shinigami. He took her fathers soul away and made her follow a special program to prevent her from subconsciously trying to take over her future meisters soul and to prevent her from falling to madness again. This took her a whole year, but now she was almost no different from other demon weapons. Nowadays she goes by the name Eva and doesn't want anyone to call her by her real name. She also always wears something covering up the 2 scars on her arms where she had been pierced. She wants to become a death scythe to prove she isn't evil like most people think dark swords are. [b]WEAKER VERSION[/b] [b]Name:[/b] Eva Latein [b]Age:[/b] 14 [b]Gender:[/b] female [b]Sexuality:[/b] Bisexual [b]Weapon:[/b] Chain sword [b]Forms:[/b] Before extending or retracting herself she has to call out the name of that state. This has the downside of the opponent knowing when she extends and retracts. Every time she changes a burst of steam will be released from the exhaust part above her hilt. [u]Schwertform [/u] [hider=Schwertform][img=http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120707013404/nanoha/images/e/e7/Laevatein.png] This is the form she will be in when transforming into a weapon. The sword will always be sheathed after transforming. She is a single edged sword. Her scabbard can be used to block attacks and is extremely resilient to damage.[/hider] [u]Schlangeform [/u] [hider=Schlangeform ][img=http://images3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110312073228/nanoha/images/3/39/SchlangeA.png] Mid-range form appearing as a chain-whip which can extend to great lengths. It is very powerful for trapping and binding others (or just whipping them into submission huehuehue). She can transform into this state by rotating her bolt above the hilt and transform back by rotating the bolt back to it's original position. [/hider] [b]Appearance:[/b] Eva stands around 5'2 ft and always wears gothic lolita outfits. She always wears something covering up the 2 scars on her arms. Her outfits also depend on what she wants to wear at the moment. [hider=appearance][img=http://a4.l3-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/70/12f4cebd9d344526a1ce5839dca4244a/l.jpg] [img=http://cfs9.blog.daum.net/image/20/blog/2007/11/09/18/48/47342ce524b5d&filename=vita04_gusrmstjd456.jpg][/hider] [b]Soul: [/b] [hider=soul][img=http://i.imgur.com/m4Ixdib.png] [img=http://i.imgur.com/vKWO1Rh.png][/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] She is typically hot-tempered and stubborn and very impulsive. Although if she has someone that's close to her she will do everything in her might to protect him/her. Her soul is blood red and has her 2 trademark braids on the back. If she is being influenced with madness her soul turns purple and the ends of her braids become pointed. [b]Partner:[/b] Fletcher Lore [b]Skills:[/b] [list[*]Multi-Range weapon: She can cover short, mid and even long range. Although she can only do the latter while with a meister.[/*][*]Dark Weapon: As a dark weapon she has the ability to steal wavelenght energy from whoever is wielding her. She can do this in a very small amount while touching someone in human form.[/*][*]Cartridge System: Stolen wavelength energy can be stored inside bullet like cartridges (up to a max of 3) and are stored inside her hilt. To load them she opens her exhaust to load one and then closes it, releasing a lot of steam, to release all stored power at once. These can be used to get a sudden burst of power that enable her to use 1 soul resonance attack or stay within her to strengthen her offensive power. Using more than 1 at a time is very risky and could damage her and whoever is wielding her.[/*][/list] [b]Weaknesses: [/b] [list][*]Isn't really academic.[/*][*]Short temper[/*][*][u]Susceptibility to madness:[/u] Once fallen into madness it is easy to fall again and once in a while she can get a small attack of madness. Although she has learned to suppress it. Emotional shocks can trigger this as well.[/*][/list] [b]History:[/b] Eva had always lived alone with her father as her mother, who she inherited her weapon blood from, had died giving birth to her. She was happy during this period of her life though. Although she was sometimes bullied for being a weapon by some other kids, that didn't matter to her. Her father had also thought her some basic things about being a weapon that she needed to know. That all changed one night a year ago though. When she and her father were taking one of their nightly strolls to relax they were attacked by an evil human. Her father was slain right before her eyes and she was getting close to being defeated too. It was then she saw her fathers soul and remembered her father saying once that eating souls made weapons stronger. She then ate her fathers soul to get revenge on his murderer. Immediately she felt more powerful and her previously small red flame that she could use turned purple and gained power. She attacked the evil human with all the hate and despair she had and killed it. She only vaguely remembers what happened after that, but she had fallen into madness and went on a short killing spree, yet she had apparently eaten none of the victims souls. She also remembers what she felt then: "Lonely, why was she the only one that should be lonely?" The first thing she was actually aware of next was that both her arms had been stabbed. Then all the sadness of losing her father came back and she cried. She had been stopped by a witch who lived in the same city as she lived. She helped her resist the urges to eat souls on sight and also helped her cope with the sense of loss. The witch also kept her safe in the following weeks by hiding her from meisters that had been sent to find the dark sword. Though Eva knew she would need to go to DMWA to get complete control over herself. So after living together with the witch she left for DMWA with the intent to become a death scythe and prove that not all dark swords are evil. She is using a different last name though so nobody will be able to relate her to the incident. Extra: [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vuOeQSL4wek]Battle Theme[/url]