Name: Drake Redgrave Age: 19 Gender: Male Orientation: Straight but under right circumstances could become bi Position in Band: Lead Guitar Instrument: Part-O-caster Tele [img][/img] Personality: A very sarcastic with little to no remorse for what he says. Chances are if it sounds offensive it is with him. He isn't afraid to go after a girl if he sees something he likes. Definitely has a real passion for the music and desperate to achieve his own sound. If your his friend he has your back even if it may seem like all he wants to do is get in your pants. He has a natural compass towards the dangerous and has been known to get hurt and laugh about it. Favorite Bands: Stone Sour, Slipknot, Avenged Sevenfold, A Day To Remember, Nirvana, Winery Dogs, Steve Vai, Led Zeppelin, Jack White, Black Sabbath, Artic Monkeys Hobbies/Skills: repairing guitars, playing guitar, drawing, recording, sex, booze. Job: Works in a local guitar store. Bio: Born in England he was raised by a couple young parents who met and fell in love in a bathroom at Led Zeppelin concert. He grew up surrounded by music 24/7 and loved all the tones that came from that magic instrument known as the guitar. His parents moved around a lot eventually leading them to the states where he found some modern american rock and roll. Since he has lived there he opened a guitar store with his father after high school and managed to get a band together with some interesting individuals to say the least to put out a sound that was never heard before. They simply called themselves Out Of Thin Air. Appearance: [img][/img]