[center] [img=http://i564.photobucket.com/albums/ss87/beloved_darling/ef19eac5-d0d8-42a1-9322-5aa6d7dca275.jpg] ANGERRI APOLLOS Died 660 years ago at 140 Angerri was the best friend of the 8th King, Belphegor, and his most faithful knight and protector. When he was murdered he immediately suspected Belzebub as the culprit and as a result, was banished underground. A bracelet created by dark magic was placed on his wrist that hindered his magic and, if he did not mine a certain amount of minerals per week, poison would be injected into him and he would slowly suffer until he met his quota. The poison did not kill, because that would be too easy for him and the other prisoners, and it left the wizards in pain that only went away if they submitted to Belzebub’s demands. The only friend he could contact, the current demon king, offered to help him but Angerri refused because he did not want a war to start. He accepted his fate and resolved to help the other banished wizards survive. He could see that not all of them were horrible criminals and many were decent people who offended Belzebub somehow. Angerri also made sure that the true criminals did not find a way to escape to Wiz and maintained order, so that everyone would not kill each other off. He organized a fight club that allowed wizards to take out their aggression on anger on each other, which eventually evolved into the collosseum generations later. As more people were banished, the underground began forming into a city and people rallied behind him as an unofficial leader. He was respected due to his ties to Angelveion and many did not believe that he was truly banished and was actually sent there as some sort of viceroy for Belzebub. Once Belzebub lost interest in the underground mines and city, the bracelets were removed and the wizards were allowed to do as they please; but they were still not allowed to return to the surface. By this point Angerri had lost all hope of ever leaving The Under and had already started a relationship with a former thief. He lived in The Under with her for the rest of his life and passed on Angelveion’s Sword to his child after he died. [/center]