[center][img]http://bookbing.org/wp-content/uploads/autoimmunity-when-good-turns-evil.jpg[/img] [b][u]RISING:[/u] GODS AMONG US[/b] ----- Imagine a select group of ordinary people being ascended to godhood over night. Imagine waking up in the morning to a perfectly normal day and realizing that you are literally immortal and have the power of a god. Imagine that a primordial force, evil incarnate has returned to earth to initiate the apocalypse. Imagine if these "new gods" took sides in this conflict. A modern day Earth as the battle ground for the war of the ages. Where humanity will either be exterminated, or the new gods will defend them. Well this is your chance to take part in an epic story that could end in any way. Whether it be the total destruction of earth and humanity, or the genesis of a new age.[/center] ----- [b][u]DEITIES NEEDED[/u][/b] -(Evil, Destruction, Hatred, Wrath) [u][b]Flarezone[/b][/u] -(Light, Justice, Sun/Day, Order) [u][b]GuyYouWishYouDidntKnow[/b][/u][hider=Ellona Kisaragi][img]http://i.imgur.com/dVMdT7e.jpg[/img][/hider] -(Darkness, Death, The Dead, Moon/Night) [b][u]Tendo[/b][/u] -(Fire, War, Chaos, Judgement) [b][u]Enalais[/b][/u][hider=Jordan Black][img]http://th07.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/i/2013/296/7/2/universal_soldier_stock_iii_by_phelandavion-d6rjkh0.jpg[/img][/hider] -(Water/Seas, Storms, Healing, Dreams) [b][u]Gareth[/b][/u][hider=Zane Wilkins][img]http://img2.tvtome.com/i/u/594f84fcebc242c6c2d20e1ca24ca4de.jpg[/img][/hider] -(Earth, Forests, Animals, Hunting) [u][b]Lucian[/b][/u] -(Air/Skies, Winds, Freedom, Travel) [u][b]Dead Cruiser[/b][/u] -(Spirit, Magic, Fate, Void) [u][b]ActRaiserTheReturned[/b][/u][hider=Charles Dante Richards][img]http://i.imgur.com/PtmM0s3.jpg[/img][/hider] -(Lies, Trickery, Luck, Chance) [b][u]JurasicHole[/b][/u] -(Vengeance, Corruption, Fear, Madness) [u][b]Granttank[/b][/u][hider=Damien Mastel][img]http://thumbs.dreamstime.com/x/tough-spooky-man-deep-evil-eyes-6681177.jpg[/img][/hider] -(Creativity, Invention, Civilization, Machines) [u][b]Quadrophenia[/b][/u] -(Purity, Beauty, Knowledge, Wisdom) [u][b]CallaLily180[/b][/u] ---- [u][b]CHARACTER TEMPLATE[/u](Post it here)[/b] [i]Name: Deity of: Age/DoB: (Currently 2020 AD) Gender: Appearance: Personality: Background:[/i] ---- [u][b]UNIVERSAL DEITY POWERS[/u][/b] [i][b]-Ascended Immortality[/b] (In a sense, immune to age, cant get sick, cant drown, can't break bones, etc. Can only be harmed by another immortal being) [b]-Perfected Physical Body[/b] (Essentially a perfect physical form, without flaw, sickness and weakness) [b]-Divine Form[/b] (This comes in time as the new gods learn to master their new powers) [b]-Teleportation[/b] (Capable of teleporting to other locations in the same dimensional plane) [b]-Ghosting[/b] (Capable of entering a "ghostlike state" being invisible to mortals and immune to things such as gravity and walls) [b]-Enhanced strength, agility, speed, durability, senses, etc.[/b] (These powers will become more powerful over time) [b]-Flight/Levitation[/b] (Yes, all deities have this power)[/i] ---- Feel Free To Ask Questions