Angelo kept looking around to find a vent of some kind and soon one of his brothers found the air vent they were looking for. Although Angelo was confident that it was just a normal vent he sent his brothers to go inside while Angelo himself remained outside to look for another way and if needed provide a distraction so his men could listen in on the meeting itself. Angelo heard the explosion from the square easily but he regret where it may have came from considering who would be able to make an explosion of that size so easily. Angelo could only stay on the roof and look as he reached up higher and higher up the walls of the building climbing as far as his arms would take him knowing their would be a skylight if he could get to the top then he could simply watch the meeting himself without risking being discovered by the knights. With his tomes abilities he would easily be able to climb back out of the skylight and leave if need be but he was not sure about his brothers and thankfully he didn't need to if they got caught they wouldn't know anything but what all the rumors say considering that none of the recruits knew where our base was and none of them knew the power of my tome which I keep hidden on my person. always being careful to wear long sleeve shirts so nobody would notice that scars on my arms as I kept climbing the building looking for my way in