Great to see interest - I've put up a CS on the opening post so people can start working on their character if they like. Of course, still looking for more players so I'll wait a little before putting up the OOC. [quote=Panquake] I am also interested - though are we gonna get more info on the TCMP? [/quote] Sure - basically think of them like [url=]The Royal Military Police[/url] or [url=]US Army Military Police[/url]. They essentially operate in the same manner as a police force, investigating a range crimes, policing military bases / ships, investigating malpractice on operations or 'warcrimes'. Our group would be drawn from specialists from regular military, police and military police. You would be part of a fairly elite special investigations team, considering the magnitude of the disaster we will be investigating. This should allow you to be creative with the experience of your character. For example, you could come from a military tactics, explosives, electronic warfare background with the TCM (Terran Central Military) or as a specialist detective or forensics expert from a policing standpoint. Does that help?