May I ask why beastmasters have low strength? Don't they usually have high strength and HP? I mean, their beasts are basically their skills and abilities. Just like healing for paladins but their HP isn't low because of that. And could I suggest some charater classes? Just in case you like some. Engineer/Tinkerer-Builds contraptions like maybe walls, catapults. He could even build traps like a trapper would. Would use a modified crossbow or a battle-wrench. Idk. Tactician/General-Strategy is everything. This class would give bonuses to tactical positioning and other stuff. Like flanking, ranger range bonus if on higher ground, but lower attack on close combat, warriors fighting on higher ground against someone on lower ground get a bonus, charging bonus etc... And maybe formation bonuses but that would mainly work when theres more people. He would also fight amongst his soldiers. Cs coming shortly by the way. EDIT: This is a long list but I just decided to post every Fantasy RPG class I can think of, even ones that are posted already just so I don't get confused. [hider=Classes] [b]Melee[/b] Barbarian/Berserker - Similar to the Blademaster above, wears light or no armor. Usually wields big weapons and tends to run against the enemy straight on. They tend to take a lot of damage and their defense isn't great so rely on taking out the enemy before the enemy take out them. Skills would be something like: Rage, Whirlwind. Paladin/Knight - Mainly defensive but can dish out some damage. Wears heavy armor and uses a shield to repel almost all enemy attacks. They tend to be at the front of the battle keeping everyone in cover. Holy healing and defensive spells are often found in their spell arsenal. Tanker/Juggernaut - Another version of the Paladin/Knight. They wield very resilient and often big shields which cover their whole body. The shield is resistant to both physical attacks and spells. Their abilities and skills often include Invulnerability and other defensive stuff. Beastmaster Warrior/Ranger - The Beastmasters tend to have no armor or light armor. They are sons of nature and usually wield bows or some offensive melee weapons. They usually travel with one or a few static beast companions which are always by their side, but can call on many more. Beasts include fantasy creatures such as Wyverns. Beastmaster skills/abilities are mostly summoning creatures to help them, tracking, or other nature-related things depending whether they are warriors or rangers. They tend to have no magic abilities. Rogue/Assassin - They have many versions but their general feature is stealth and high critical hits. They are not very strong in hand-to-hand combat but are very agile, able to dodge, and run away from enemies. Their strongest move is usually sneaking behind an enemy and dealing it huge damage or directly executing it. Invisibility is also a thing, as well as poison. Their weapons are usually daggers but some also use ranged weapons as well for "sniping". SpellSword/BattleMage - Either Knights with good magical abilities, or mages with armor who leaned the art of hand-to-hand combat as well. They either use spells against enemies directly, or apply them to their weapon (generally a sword). Spell examples would be things like setting the sword on fire, shooting ice at the enemy etc... Scout/Spy - Best at gathering information. Belongs to the rogue branch in the sense that they are also stealth-based. They tend to spy out the weak spots and weaknesses of enemies as well as exploring the terrain ahead of their party. Mercenary - Can have all sorts of equipment. He just needs to have the money to buy it. They are very self-focused, their skills only ever benefit themselves and maybe even weaken the other party members. They tend to be strong melee fighters though. [b]Magic Users[/b] Healer/Cleric/Priest - Heals himself and other party members. Offers regeneration and health bonuses. Necromancer/Warlock - Calls on the dead or demons for assistance. Calls on the spirits to deal damage and destroy the enemy, which Necromancers then revive to make undead minions fight for him. Alchemist - Makes potions and such, which can either be thrown to deal splash damage or various de-debuffs, or drunk by individual party members to gain temporary stat increases or other buffs. [b]I gave up[/b] Ok, there's way too many so I'm just gonna list them by name. Shaman- Enchantress-Enchants people O_o Bard-Similar to dancer as in gives buffs with singing Druid-Nature magic Sentinel-Magical Archer, sort of elvish BladeDancer-Like the dancer but uses weapons and her dance to unleash a storm of extremely fast and rapid hits with amazing grace Rifleman-Shoots guns. Imagine the sort of dwarf engineers creating the guns and using them. Furthermore, there can be TONS of combinations. One example is the SpellBlade, mix of Knight and Wizard or the BladeDancer. More examples, BladeSing (enchants weapons with songs), or Dark Knight (Necromancer and Knight). And there can be different versions of these classes such as the Hunter, the Ranger and many more. [/hider]