Maarcuu knew that everybody was trying to be as helpful as they could (although he still didn't fully trust Oradis), but this absent minded rambling could go on no further. "From what Zuzen says, Rectja is powerful and mighty. Rectja must be stopped, that is true.. but there is also another solution to get past Rectja's Guards.." The Beastman began to say as he slowly uncrossed his arms and stood up straight. "Maarcuu is what Rectja wants, so Maarcuu is what Rectja will get. Maarcuu's life does not matter if taking it away means getting Maarcuu's friends off of Norrux Mirugal." Maarcuu glanced at the group, knowing that somebody would reject his idea. "Maarcuu would be willing to turn Maarcuu in and allow the others to collect the bounty so they may purchase a transport. HK-55 can take you all back to Agerna and G.L.I.P. Headquarters." As he waited for the inevitable replies of "nobody is turning themselves in", or "Maarcuu, there's no way you're doing that", he raised his hand and added "Maarcuu will only do that if all other plans fail. It will be a back-up plan for a worst case scenario.. For now, we should consider all other possibilities." Maarcuu noticed that Noki was in massive pain from her previous wound. He hesitated, not sure if he could trust this woman (even though he had petitioned that Zuzen didn't kill her). As the large robotic-figure clunked his way over to the wounded alien, Maarcuu stepped forwards and bent down over her. He gestured for HK-55 to come over and scan her to verify what was wrong. The small android rolled its way over to Noki and ejected a small, chrome device that was shaped like a harmonica. A straight blue line of light emitted from the device as the winch it was held from moved up and down, dragging the line across her body. A few moments later, HK-55 retracted the device and let out a few boops, indicating the results were in. A small holographic image appeared from its metal eye, presenting an inconclusive scan due to the armour she was wearing. However, it showed intensive signs of trauma and possible internal bleeding. "HK-55's scan says Noki needs to get medical assistance immediately, or the worst might occur. Does anybody here know of a Doctor?"