Luro continued taking apart the rifles in front of him, putting them back together immediately after, at one point he took all three apart and put them all back together with each other’s parts. Each time he finished he raised the gun and fired it to make sure it functioned; once he confirmed it he set it down and repeated the process. He drank from his bottle every few minutes as he repeated the endless steps a smile on his face as his hands continued to move. Luro was sure at one point he saw Ray clean the cannons though he wasn’t sure since his gaze didn’t move from the rifles. At least that was the case until Danny spoke to him, he jumped a little seeing she had set parchment down nearby but grinned at her words and went back to taking apart one of the rifles again. “I’ll take that as a compliment, it’s one of the things I love about being a pirate,” Luro said with a firm nod. “Did you know the navy hands out rations of drink? It’s no wonder those guys hate pirates so much since we can drink whenever we want, I’m sure if they could drink as much as they want they’d be much friendlier.” Luro grabbed another rifle having broken down the one before reaching over and grabbing another bottle after and taking a quick drink. “I’m sure the others have said it a hundred times but it is good to have you aboard lass, Marcos as well. I’m…not sure if you told us your name…but if you did I’ve probably forgotten it. I forget the captains too but I never really call her by it so that might be it. I may just avoid it since I might call her by the wrong name at one point, then it’s just be awkward. Anyway it’s good to have someone who can read maps…well not read but…actually I forgot what your title is…anyway it’s not important, what is important is that we have a map person on board. I could have used you when I was travelling on my own; I ended up getting stranded pretty often. One would think I’d land at a town…but it was always an island…wouldn’t have been so bad if I had something to drink there.” Luro shrugged and finished off one of the bottles before setting it down and moving another one closer, he went back to taking apart the rifle before he spoke again his attention fully returning to his task. “So where do you hail from and what called you to the sea, not that I can blame you for heeding her call, like a wench with a bottle of ale in her-” Luro cut himself off and let out a small laugh. “Never mind that actually but I think I missed a few things when you were tied up earlier so tell me again. Oh speaking of that it was pretty funny, the captain was ‘what’re you doing here’ and then you were ‘ahhh pirates don’t kill me’ ah it was fun but we’re friends now so we won’t kill you. Well we shouldn’t kill you, I’ll do my best not to shoot you lass. Anyway back to what I said earlier why are you traveling with us? We are still pirates; you just made tons of enemies by joining us after all.”