Sorry for it appearing so bland, I don't have much material to work off, sorry :S --- Name: Pierre Mandane Age: 17 Owner: [No Clue] Family: Has Flashbacks of what looks like his father. Personality: (Also born into Captivity) A strong sense of hope lies within Pierre, he hopes that humans one day will rule the world again. He has been taught to read, write and the history of the world, often longing to see it before the rule of the vampires. He often follows the orders of the vampires, but with hesitance as he does not want to get hurt. He treats other slaves with good intention and has a small but apperant hatred of vampires with in him. Background (Before captivity): Like many others, he was born into captivity, his parents were eaten infront of him, and has not ever forgotten this sight. This is where his hatred of Vampires started (And is ever growing). Their master at the time cared little for the newborns, and saw them only as a food source (Like many othe vampires). Another slave kept talking to him about hope, which is where he started believing that humans could one day overthrow their vampire masters. Appearance: [img=]