"Aye, I knew about the drink. I was on a navy ship for the past week to get off my island, and all they gave me was water. Said something about 'being underaged' and 'a lass is too delicate for drinks.' Although they made me work just the same as the apprentices they got on there." She said, waving her hand to dry the ink. Usually sand would be sprinkled across it to help it dry, but Danny hadn't thought to bring any. Didn't matter anyways, it would dry on its own. The girl laughed when Luro started to ramble again, stating he had forgotten quite a lot, and recounting the events after the girl's being discovered. "I am Danielle, but most call me Danny, so I probably won't respond to the name Dr. W gave me. I am the navigator of the coral pearl, effective today. I hail from a little island that is often forgotten about, so much so as the name of it is lost to even those who are born and die there. I left because I had grown bored of the island and all it had to offer my senses, and I have heard such wonders from the occasional sailor who graced our tiny harbour with their boats. Grandad probably helped, too, cause that crazy old man spouted something about the shape of a soul, and mine was a boat. I'd say if he saw you he'd see a bottle of rum as your soul." She girl laughed, leaning back to look at the stars, her mind automatically graphing where they were. It was harder than usual, as she wasn't on the island where she could have pointed the constellations out with her eyes closed. but she none the less did it, and looked back at a map in front of her, her finger over where she predicted the boat to be, pointing to the town of Waterdeep. Danny glanced sideways at Luro, watching his hands take apart and put together the guns as easy as her hands found it to draw lines and follow charts. "Well, that's my life story, at least all the interesting stuff. What about you? I'll bet you've traveled enough to circle the world tenfold over! What were the islands like? You said you had gotten stranded quite a lot, too, right? How do the people vary from island to island? Are the more fruits like apples? I've been gone a week and a half, and already I'm wishing I did this sooner!"