[b]Saber[/b] ... Where... This... this was not where she had been. Saber's eyes looked of her surroundings... and it was so... odd. Her knowledge of architecture was... limited, even with what had been gifted to her due to her nature as a Servant. And yet she could easily recognize that these buildings that surrounded her did not belong together. Castles, skyscrapers, the buildings created by the Chinese... none of this fit together. And she had simply been eating... Saber's heard sank as she realized she had been utterly torn away from a delicious meal. Still... this was strange, and sudden... and Saber found herself wary. Light flashed around her body, and the blue-and-white clothing she was wearing abruptly was replaced by her armored dress, the haziness of invisible air obscuring the form of her blade, Excalibur. There were... others, strangely, people nearby she did not recognize... had they, too, been taken here? Quickly, various worries entered Saber's mind. There were people she needed to keep safe... how was she dragged here? Slowly, she turned about and regarded those around her. A man with a staff of some kind... and somewhat elaborate clothing. Wearing glasses, and questioning their location. There was no need for secrecy in her nature as a Servant here, thankfully, so she did not need to cover up what she had done. "I do not know where we are," she stated, plainly and clearly. ---- [b]Jakuzure Nonon[/b] Okay, what the hell was this?! Nonon rubbed her eyes. Whoever had thought of this brilliant idea to capture her... somehow(one second she was with Satsuki, then... she wasn't) had the worst and least cohesive taste in architecture ever. What was with all the random buildings in all different styles? They probably had a terrible taste in music, too... The small pink-haired girl folded her arms in a huff... and swiftly realized something had changed about her clothing. A... goku uniform? She wasn't wearing one before... slowly Nonon looked herself over. Huh. So this dumbass was even more of an idiot then she originally though? ... Oh, and there were a bunch of other morons standing around, too. Well, okay, amybe they weren't stupid, they didn't seem like her captors, at least... but Nonon had little hope for them as of now. "... Okay, so what's going on now?" she asked, "If this is a joke, then the humorless idiot who tried it better be prepared to to face the consequences." Now wasn't the time to be calm. Nonon was, in a fairly large amount of words, extremely ticked off right now. She'd been all ready for a day with Satsuki and then, suddenly, she was in the kind of place a a preschooler-no, no, that was an insult to preschoolers... A [i]braindead idiot of the highest caliber[/i] would design.